UNMC Faculty Senate Passes Resolution Supporting Fetal Tissue Research at UNMC


The UNMC Faculty Senate requires that a resolution receives a 67 percent

approval vote before it can be passed. Support for the following resolution,

which was approved on Monday, Dec. 6, exceeded the necessary approval.

WHEREAS, the University of Nebraska Medical Center has as a major goal

the improvement of the health of Nebraskans; and

WHEREAS, the University of Nebraska Medical Center has as a major goal

for the advancement of scientific research; and

WHEREAS, improvement of health is substantially dependent upon basic

research; and

WHEREAS, the faculty of the University of Nebraska Medical Center seek

academic freedom to pursue scientific research without undue external influence;


WHEREAS, the use of human fetal cells for research is a sensitive societal


Be it therefore resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of

Nebraska Medical Center:

   1.   Supports faculty academic freedom to pursue

scientific research; and

   2.   Supports the position taken by UNMC leadership

to obtain human fetal tissue for use in health sciences research from sources

other than elective abortion whenever possible.

This resolution is available to be copied off the UNMC website at www.unmc.edu