UNMC Researchers Looking for Patients to Participate in Mini-Transplant,’A Potentially Revolutionizing Therapy for Cancer Transplantation

Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center are studying

one of the newest approaches to bone marrow transplantation they hope will

revolutionize certain cancer transplants. They are testing the safety and

effectiveness of the so-called mini-transplant in adults with leukemia

or lymphoma.

The mini-transplant, which is rapidly being accepted and studied at

transplant centers around the country, is performed as an outpatient therapy

with significantly less toxicity than with a traditional allogeneic bone

marrow transplant. Allogeneic transplants are transplants that use bone

marrow from related and unrelated donors to create a new, cancer-free immune

system in the patient.

UNMCs approach to the mini-transplant will involve using a familiar

cancer drug pentostatin — with a new twist, said Steven Pavletic, M.D.,

UNMC oncologist and associate professor of internal medicine. Dr. Pavletic

and Greg Bociek, M.D., UNMC oncologist and assistant professor of internal

medicine, are principal investigators of the study.

Pentostatin is a very old leukemia drug with a new area of application.

The drug plays an important role in suppressing the patients immune cells

during the transplant process. Theres a lot of interest in pentostatin


Pentostatin will be used in combination with doses of radiation six

times smaller than a traditional transplant, as well as a very gentle form

of chemotherapy, Dr. Pavletic said. Because of its mildness, mini-transplants

are expected to reduce the risk and side effects of graft-versus-host disease

a potentially fatal side effect of allogeneic transplants.

Our protocol is designed to be very non-aggressive, Dr. Pavletic said.

UNMC researchers are looking for 40 patients to enroll in the study.

Half of the patients will receive allogeneic bone marrow transplant therapy

from related donors such as relatives, and the other half will receive

bone marrow from unrelated donors through the National Bone Marrow Registry.

Those eligible for the study include patients who are responding to

standard treatments, but whose disease is at a high risk of coming back,

patients older than 60, those who cant tolerate high doses of radiation

and chemotherapy transplant, and those whose cancer returned after an autologous

stem cell transplant.

We use this therapy with patients who otherwise have very little hope.

Instead of no chance for survival, we hope we can achieve a 30 to 50 percent

cure rate. We want to find something for these patients, Dr. Pavletic


The transplantation process is a delicate balance of trying to suppress

the patients immune system while trying to prevent the patients body

from rejecting the donor bone marrow cells and contracting graft versus

host disease.

The theory behind traditional allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

is to give patients high doses of radiation and chemotherapy, wipe out

the bone marrow, wipe out the disease in the bone marrow, and wipe out

the immune system to create space to infuse the donors bone marrow cells

into the patient, Dr. Pavletic said.

The theory then is that the donors bone marrow will engraft or become

part of the patient, Dr. Pavletic said. Then you have no leukemia and

you are cured. With time, what we learned, is that its not as simple as


Researchers think the success of the mini-transplant lies in whats

called graft versus leukemia effect. Dr. Pavletic said he and his colleagues

have learned that donor cells are probably the most critical part of therapy.

The idea for this study was borne here in our center from our expertise

— based on our experience in transplantation and on new developments and

knowledge, Dr. Pavletic said.

The UNMC/NHS transplant program is recognized internationally for its

expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of leukemia and lymphoma, and

is one of the busiest bone marrow and stem cell transplant centers in the

world. James Armitage, M.D., started the program in 1982 with the UNMC

Lymphoma Study Group.

I think this is where transplants are going, he said. There is a

lot to be learned but the initial promise is so clear. I think the approach

of doing high-dose radiation and chemotherapy is going to be eliminated

with time probably three to five years from now. We want all this horrible

toxicity associated with allogeneic transplantation eliminated.

The mini-transplant is rapidly being accepted by transplant physicians.

I truly think its going to revolutionize the allogeneic transplantation

field. Our expectations are high, and I think the patients expectations

should be high too.

Dr. Pavletic said there are many new anti-cancer drug discoveries steadily

making cancer therapy easier and more efficient for patients. For progress

to continue, Dr. Pavletic said patients are needed to enroll in clinical

studies. Only 3 percent of patients typically enroll in clinical trials.

Clinical trials are the only way we can quickly obtain the information

we need on new drugs and treatments, he said.

One example of rapid approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

took place May 10 when it granted Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. approval

for Gleevec, an oral therapy for the treatment of patients with chronic

myeloid leukemia in the accelerated or chronic phase after failure of interferon-alpha

therapy. Dr. Pavletic was principal investigator of the UNMC portion of

this national study.

The approval of Gleevec in two years was the most rapid FDA approval

ever, Dr. Pavletic said. This is one of the reasons why it is important

for patients to participate in clinical trials.

If we didnt have patients, we wouldnt have any of this information

yet. Some people have reservations about participating in clinical trials

like Im going to be a guinea pig, and so on. Its natural to have these

reservations. But all these trials are therapeutic. The bottom line is

we are doctors. We dont offer a trial if we think there is something better.

Drs. Pavletic and Bociek work in collaboration with a team of health

providers, including James Foran, M.D., a new UNMC acute leukemia specialist.

He said it has been known for a very long time that patients who are

involved in clinical trials tend to do better than patients who are not.

He said they get more attention, more care and have access to new drugs.

 For more information about the study, call Karen Taylor at (402)
