UNMC invites Nebraskans to free health education series on smallpox; Feb. 13, 20, 27, to learn about smallpox, vaccine, ethical, social issues

The University of Nebraska Medical Center invites Nebraskans to attend

a free health educational series on smallpox, titled, Smallpox: What You

Need to Know, on Thursdays, Feb. 13, 20 and 27, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

(CST). During the series, Nebraskans will learn about smallpox, the social

and ethical issues, the risks involved in the smallpox vaccine, the safety

mechanisms in medical research and how the state will respond in the event

of a bioterrorist attack.

The goal of Mini-Medical School is to educate Nebraskans on health issues

that affect them, as well as highlight the strides being made in research

and treatment at UNMC. The free series will be broadcast live via satellite

from Omaha to: Alliance, Columbus, Grand Island, Kearney, Lincoln, Long

Pine, Norfolk, North Platte, ONeill, Red Cloud, Scottsbluff and Sidney.

Continuing education credits for nurses also are available. Anyone with

satellite downlink capability can receive the series by accessing Nebraska

Satellite System 2, (NebSat2) channel 107.

On Feb, 13, the program, Smallpox 101, speakers will discuss viruses

and vaccines and the history, treatment and prevention of smallpox. On

Feb. 20, Research: Risks, Rights and Responsibilities, speakers will

address the risks and benefits of the smallpox vaccine and safety mechanisms

in medical research. On Feb. 27, Securing Nebraskas Homeland speakers

will discuss how Nebraska plans to protect the citizens of Nebraska against

the threat of a bioterrorism attack.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of presenters.

Seating is limited. Registration is required. To get more information about

the series, go to: www.unmc.edu/smallpox.

While the program is free to the public, Nebraska and Iowa nurses who

wish to receive six contact hours of continuing nursing education credits

can do so at a cost of $30 through the UNMC College of Nursing. The University

of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education

is accredited as a provider of continuing education in nursing by the American

Nurses Credentialing Centers Commission on Accreditation with approved

provider status in Iowa and California.

To get technical information about accessing NebSat2 satellite downlink,

call Brenda Jeter at (402) 559-9049 or bjeter@unmc.edu.

Smallpox is a contagious, and sometimes fatal disease caused by the

variola virus. Fever and a progressive skin rash are symptoms. Smallpox

first emerged in human populations thousands of years ago. In 1980, the

disease was declared eradicated following worldwide vaccination programs.

Routine smallpox vaccinations in the United States ended in 1972.

Two known samples of smallpox were kept in secure laboratories in the

United States and the Soviet Union. With the political upheaval that dismantled

the former Soviet Union and its secret bioweapons program, some people

fear that terrorists or rogue nations could have lured unemployed Soviet

scientists into creating weapons of mass destruction using smallpox. After

the terrorist and anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001, the U.S. government

began making plans to respond to a potential attack.

A detailed nationwide smallpox response plan is designed to vaccinate

people quickly and contain a potential outbreak, including a plan includes

the creation of healthcare teams who have been vaccinated and are ready

to respond. Public and private institutions are working together to implement

Nebraskas response plan.

UNMC Mini-Medical School dates, topics and presenters:

Feb. 13 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (CST)

Smallpox 101 Learn the basics of viruses, vaccines and the immune

system. Find out how the vaccine was developed from cowpox, why people

who were immunized at one time would need to be revaccinated, and what

are the potential side effects. Intro to Virology 101 will be presented

by Steven Hinrichs, M.D., director, Center for  Biosecurity, University

of Nebraska, director, Nebraska Public Health Laboratory, medical director,

Clinical Microbiology, Professor, UNMC Department of Pathology and Microbiology;

Understanding Vaccines will be presented by Jose Romero, M.D., associate

professor, pediatrics and pathology/microbiology, joint appointments at

UNMC and Creighton University, chief Latino recruitment officer for UNMC;

and Preventing the Spread of

Smallpox will be presented by Philip Smith, M.D., professor and chief,

section of infectious diseases, UNMC Department of Internal Medicine. Panel

moderator will be David Crouse, Ph.D., interim vice chancellor for academic

affairs, interim dean for graduate studies and professor, UNMC Department

of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy.

Feb. 20 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (CST)

Research: Risks, Rights and Responsibilities, — Meet members of

UNMCs Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects,

who will discuss the safety mechanisms in medical research, the social

and ethical issues of the smallpox vaccine and the importance of informed

consent. Research will be presented by Ernest Prentice, Ph.D., associate

vice chancellor for academic affairs, UNMC regulatory compliance, professor,

UNMC Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy, and chairman of

the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on

Human Research Protection; Rights will be presented by Tim Kelso, J.D.,

attorney and community representative, UNMC Institutional Review Board

for the Protection of Human Subjects; Risks will be presented by Mark

Rupp, M.D., associate professor, infectious diseases, and medical director,

Nebraska Health System Department of Healthcare Epidemiology; and Responsibility

will be presented by Toby Schonfeld, Ph.D., assistant professor, section

of humanities and law, UNMC Department of Preventive and Societal Medicine.

Moderator will be Dr. Prentice.

Feb. 27 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (CST)

Securing Nebraskas Homeland — Learn the basics of public health. 

Discover how state and local agencies are working together to protect Nebraskans

in the event of a bioterrorist attack. Learn about your local plan and

what you can do. The Importance of a Local Coordinated Plan, will be

presented by Pat Lenaghan, co-chairwoman, Omaha Metropolitan Medical Response

System; Public Health and The Douglas County Plan, will be presented

by Adi Pour, Ph.D., director, Douglas County Health Department; and The

Nebraska Plan, will be presented by Richard Raymond, M.D., chief medical

officer, Nebraska Health and Human Services System. Moderator will be David

Crouse, Ph.D., interim vice chancellor for academic affairs, interim dean

for UNMC Graduate Studies and professor, UNMC Department of Genetics, Cell

Biology and Anatomy.

Locations of free UNMC Mini-Medical School series:


Box Butte General Hospital, The Alliance Room, 2101 Box Butte Ave.,

Alliance, NE

To register, call Jeanne Murray, Box Butte County Extension, (308)

762-5616, or e-mail jmurray1@unl.edu

Co-sponsored by Box Butte County Extension and Box Butte General Hospital


The Scottsbluff Room, Chadron State College Student Center, Chadron

To register, call 308-432-6278 or e-mail hpoffice@csc.edu

Co-sponsored by Chadron State College


Central Community College-Columbus, West Education Center, Room 205

4500 63rd St., to register, call (402) 562-1276 or smahlin@cccneb.edu

Co-sponsored by the Central Community College-Columbus

and Columbus Safety and Health Council

Grand Island

College Park, Room 203-4

3180 W Hwy 34, call (308) 385-6411 or sholsten2@unl.edu

Co-sponsored by College Park


University of Nebraska at Kearney, Center for Distance Education

Communications Building, Room 221, 1918 University Drive, call (308)


or holoubeckja@unk.edu

Co-sponsored by the University of Nebraska at Kearney


UNMC College of Dentistry, Dixon Lecture Hall

40th and Holdrege Streets, call (402) 472-9993, or gtmason@unmc.edu

Co-sponsored by the UNMC College of Nursing and UNMC College of Dentistry

in Lincoln

Long Pine

Pine Continuing Education Center

200 East 4th

To register, call 402-387-2213 or 1-800-634-8951 or e-mail cplate1@unl.edu

Co-sponsored by the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension and

Long Pine Continuing Education Center


Northeast Community College, Lifelong Learning Center

Suite D, 601 E. Benjamin Ave., call (402) 844-7335 no e-mail registration


Co-sponsored by Northeast Community College

North Platte

McKinley Education Center, 301 W. F St

To register, call (308) 696-1201 or e-mail shirleensmith@alltel.net

Co-sponsored by the West Central District Health Dept. and McKinley

Education Center


University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing

Cooper Auditorium, 42nd & Dewey Ave., call (402) 559-4315 or jemeier@unmc.edu

Sponsored by UNMC


University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Courthouse Annex

128 N. 6th St., call (402) 336-2760 or rkulm1@unl.edu

Co-sponsored by University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Office

Red Cloud

Webster County Historical Museum

721 W. 4th (West Highway 136), Call (402) 746-3417 or dlienemann2@unl.edu

Co-sponsored by Webster County Cooperative Extension Office


Sheridan Cooperative Extension, 105 Loofborrow, Rushville, NE

To register, call 308-327-2312 or e-mail scarson1@unl.edu

Co-sponsored by Sheridan Cooperative Extension


UNMC College of Nursing, University Complex Panhandle Station

Room 201, 4502 Ave. I, (308) 632-0410 or bhartsho@unmc.edu

Co-sponsored by UNMC College of Nursing West Nebraska Division


Western Nebraska Community College, 371 College Dr.

To register, call (308) 254-5825 ext. 1262 or e-mail sjohnson@hamilton.net

Co-sponsored by Memorial Health Center and Western Nebraska Community


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