Dr. Maurer: ‘It was a pleasure to come to work every day’

Vice Chancellor for Research Jennifer Larsen, M.D., greets UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D., at the farewell tea on Tuesday.

Faculty, staff and campus and community leaders gathered Tuesday afternoon at a farewell tea for outgoing UNMC Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D.

James Armitage, M.D., talked about the lives Dr. Maurer had saved as a scientist.

Michael Sorrell, M.D., talked about Dr. Maurer’s vision for UNMC.

And Dr. Maurer himself spoke about the “great run,” he and his wife, Beverly enjoyed at UNMC.

See the video of Dr. Maurer’s remarks in Friday’s UNMC Today.

“It was really a pleasure to come to work every day,” he told the crowd, “because there were exciting things happening, and there were a lot of wonderful people who had exciting ideas here at the medical center.”

Dr. Maurer said he was proud of the transformation of the medical center over the years, which started, he added, before he was chancellor.

“This is a group operation,” he said, citing the “talented faculty, talented staff, who made this all come true.

“It’s the growing expertise every single day — whether in the operating room, the clinic, dentistry, nursing — every single day we make a significant difference with very talented and skilled people,” he said.

When Dr. Armitage addressed the crowd, he lauded Dr. Maurer’s work as a pediatric oncologist battling rhabdomyosarcoma, an often-fatal cancer that afflicted children.

“There are a whole bunch of children that are now grown up that are alive because of Hal’s scientific accomplishments,” he said.

Dr. Sorrell, who gave Dr. Maurer’s installation address when he became chancellor in 1998, spoke of the chancellor’s leadership.

“He outlined a vision and he followed through with it,” he said.

Dr. Maurer’s final day at UNMC is Friday. He will begin working at the University of Nebraska Foundation next week.

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  1. Clarence Ueda says:

    Dr. Maurer is "The Man" !

  2. Carmen Sirizzotti says:

    Dr. Maurer left his mark at UNMC. His leadership, vision and strategy made UNMC the best place to work! He will be missed.

  3. Thomas Caffrey says:

    Dr Maurer has done great things for medicine and medical research here in Omaha. There is no place like Nebraska, and indeed, here is no Nebraskan like Dr. Maurer. Thank you

  4. Sandy Goetzinger-Comer says:

    Dr. Maurer established his vision to be a world class academic medical center when he became Chancellor. He built on the outstanding research infrastructure that was in place and set the goals that would have to be achieved to achieve that vision. Many of the goals seemed unrealistic, like doubling and tripling research dollars. What that did was require people to think outside of the box to achieve them. Look at the external research funding, the new facilities, the exciting environment that draws outstanding faculty and staff to the campus and the many community leaders who have invested in that vision. His dream was achievable! Congratulations!

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