Agricultural medicine topic of summer conference

Rural health professionals have the opportunity to learn about the latest in agricultural medicine at this summer’s Occupational and Environmental Health conference sponsored by the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) and UNMC’s College of Public Health.

Registration is now open for the July 9-12 core courses that will be held at UNMC. Early bird registration is $700 on or before June 10; $800 after. Registration includes:

  • Four days in class, or six hours online;
  • Course textbook and handout materials;
  • Farm tour and dinner;
  • Continuing education credit; and
  • Continental breakfasts, lunches, and breaks.

Training sessions are led by recognized experts in the fields of agricultural medicine, safety and health and include:

  • General environmental hazards;
  • Skin diseases of agricultural workers;
  • Behavioral health issues in the farming community;
  • Resources for farmers and ranchers with disabilities;
  • Farm safety for kids;
  • Personal protective equipment;
  • Veterinary pharmaceuticals, biologicals and antibiotics;
  • Zoonotic diseases;
  • Health effects of pesticides;
  • Trauma;
  • Musculoskeletal diseases and ergonomics;
  • Integration of agricultural occupational health care into an established health care organization; and
  • Innovations in rural health practices.

The online course, to be completed by Aug. 18, consists of four, 1.5 hour sessions:

  • Physical factors affecting health in agriculture;
  • Prevention of agricultural injuries and illnesses;
  • Hearing loss prevention among agricultural workers; and
  • Cancer in agricultural populations.

Register online or contact Joan Husted at UNMC’s Center for Continuing Education, 402-559-6235.

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