New tool available for requesting patient care information

Enterprise Analytics team will review requests

A new resource called the Analytics Request Tool (ART) is available to request information related to patient care.

Created by the Continuous Quality Improvement and The Nebraska Medical Center IT departments, the tool provides a formalized process to request, track and validate a variety of requests.

Examples of past requests include specific clinic readmission rates, referral reports, patients of primary care physicians and patient menu orders. Many requests are for data to support One Chart projects.  

Each request will be reviewed by the Enterprise Analytics Team to determine if a current solution exists or could simply be modified to meet the request.

“Our customers should not be concerned with finding the source of the data being requested,” said Lauren Tietgen, lead, Enterprise Analytics. “The Enterprise Analytics team will focus on determining the best source of the data being requested, as well as the best delivery format that helps our customers best use the information for decision making.” 

For more information about the tool, contact