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Upcoming Events

Sept. 6 (by invitation only)
The first Circle of Distinction event for the College of Medicine will be held in the Campus Events Center Ballroom of the Sorrell Center. The event will be a celebration of faculty who hold endowed chairs or professorships and the donors whose gifts created the endowed positions. The event will include remarks by Chancellor Harold M. Maurer, M.D. and Dean Bradley Britigan, M.D. Tom Rosenquist, Ph.D., genetics, cell biology and anatomy, will serve as emcee. Here is a list of the 46 College of Medicine faculty members who hold endowed chairs or professorships.

Sept. 6 (by invitation only)
The Holyoke Society Dinner will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Alumni Commons area on the 2nd floor of the Sorrell Center. The event – held by the University of Nebraska Foundation – recognizes donors who give more than $100,000 to the foundation to benefit UNMC.

Sept. 7 (by invitation only)

A reception celebrating the establishment of the William D. Angle, M.D. Professorship in Cardiology honoring Brian Lowes, M.D., Ph.D. as the first recipient. It will be held in the commons area between the Durham Research Centers. Dr. Angle was on the UNMC faculty from 1953 to 1971. His widow, Carol Angle M.D., who also was on faculty at UNMC, will attend the event along with her three children. She now lives in Virginia. Speakers include John Windle, M.D., chairman of cardiology, Ward Chambers, M.D., who practiced with Dr. Angle, and Marcia Angle, a daughter.

Sept. 7
The 13th annual SHARING the Green golf tournament will be held at 11 a.m. at Miracle Hill Golf & Tennis Center, 1401 N. 120th St.  Although the SHARING program runs on a volunteer basis, funds are needed to offset the cost of clinic operations and patient care, and the golf tournament has been the organization’s most important fundraiser. Health care providers, friends of SHARING, and community supporters are all invited to participate in the tournament. Cost is $100 for individuals or $375 for a foursome. Hole sponsorship also is available starting at $250.  Register or donate here.

Sept. 7-8
UNMC Alumni Reunion at the Embassy Suites Downtown/Old Market. The theme for the reunion is “Now & Then,” and it will feature many of the exciting changes that have occurred at UNMC. Honor years include those ending in ’02 and ’07, and those who graduated more than 50 years ago from the colleges of medicine, nursing and pharmacy.  To register, call (888) 725-8664.  You may also register online here. NOTE: The Alumni Welcome Back Lunch with the Deans/Annual Meeting will be held on Sept. 8 from 12:45 to 2 p.m. in the Campus Events Center Ballroom of the Sorrell Center.

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