Twenty-nine physicians recently completed leadership classes at The Nebraska Medical Center. That is the largest number of graduates since the inception of the program in 2004.
Physician Leadership Academy graduates were introduced during the Board of Directors meeting May 21. Attending were Kristina Birch, M.D. (seated left), Elisabeth Backer, M.D., (seated right), Paul Tomich, M.D. (left to right), Daniel Anderson, M.D., Julie Fedderson, M.D., Michele Aizenberg, M.D., Howard Liu, M.D., and Amy Jespersen, M.D. |
Twenty-three physicians completed the Physician Leadership Academy. It was established to fulfilled the need to develop physicians as leaders and to provide educational opportunities for subjects not offered in their medical curriculum. Program objectives include:
- Grow the pool of leadership candidates by widening their view to health-system challenges and the role physician leaders can play in driving performance.
- To develop physicians’ leadership skills and knowledge so that their time spent as leaders is as rewarding and productive as time spent on clinical care.
- To positively shift physician leaders’ perspective on a closer health-system partnership and the opportunities it presents.
Physician Leadership Development Series, Level II covers financial accounting, finance in healthcare, developing a financial plan for investment and principles of power negotiating. Six physicians completed the level II course.
Physician Leadership Academy graduates
- Michele Aizenberg, M.D.
- Daniel Anderson, M.D.
- Elisabeth Backer, M.D.
- Claudia Barthold, M.D.
- Kristina Birch, M.D.
- Chad Branecki, M.D.
- Jennifer Brown, M.D.
- Joan Daughton, M.D.
- Thomas Duncan, M.D.
- Julie Fedderson, M.D.
- Jeremy King, D.O.
- Jared Kramer, M.D.
- Peter Lennarson, M.D.
- Howard Liu, M.D.
- Michael Morris, M.D.
- Sheryl Pitner, M.D.
- Bradley Sawtelle, M.D.
- James Simmons, M.D.
- Heather Thomas, M.D.
- Paul Tomich, M.D.
- Trevor VanSchooneveld, MD
- Andrew Wahl, M.D.
- Madeline West, M.D.
Physician Leadership Development, Level II
- Rhett Eckmann, M.D.
- Amy Jespersen, M.D.
- Shelly Kaspar-Cope, M.D.
- Lon Keim, M.D.
- Robert McKeeman, M.D.
- Michael Morris, M.D.