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UNMC students train in communities across Nebraska

University of Nebraska Medical Center students are working with health professionals across Nebraska this fall as part of their health care education requirements. The student rotations are part of the UNMC Rural Health Education Network (RHEN), an innovative program developed to help address the shortage of health professionals in rural Nebraska.
The students represent the College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Dentistry, and the School of Allied Health Professions.
The RHEN program was developed to expose students to a rural health setting with the idea that if students receive their training in a rural area, the chances are greater they may consider returning to a rural area once they complete their training.
Nebraska’s Area Health Education Centers support students during UNMC rural rotations by integrating them into the community during their rotation. AHECs are community-based programs that work with community and academic partners to address the health care work force needs of medically underserved communities through a variety of activities such as continuing education for providers, pipeline development for K-12 students, and other community-oriented programs.
For more information, call your local Area Health Education Center (AHEC) office: Central Nebraska AHEC, Grand Island (308) 385-5074; Northern Nebraska AHEC, Norfolk (402) 644-7256; Nebraska Panhandle AHEC, Scottsbluff (308) 635-6713; or at UNMC, call (402) 559-1979.
The following students will be participating in rural rotations. Listed below is the name of the town where students will perform the rotation, the student’s name, hometown, educational program, rotation facility, and rotation dates.
Albion – Ashley Bruegman, Pierce, NE, Physician Assistant, Boone County Health Center, 10/24-12/18; Chad Hall, Medicine, Boone County Medical Clinic, 8/29-10/21; Tara Zabawa, Columbus, NE, Physician Assistant, Boone County Health Center, 8/29-10/23
Alliance – Alex Laudenklos, , Medicine, Alliance Family Medicine, 8/29-10/21
Ashland – Ross Bergt, Omaha, NE, Pharmacy, Ashland Pharmacy Inc., 8/29-9/23; Amanda Gilbert, , Pharmacy, Ashland Pharmacy Inc., 10/24-11/18; Danielle Longo, Kearney, NE, Pharmacy, Ashland Pharmacy Inc., 9/26-10/21
Aurora – Tyler Witmer, Cedar Falls, IA, Physician Assistant, Memorial Health Clinic, 9/26-12/18
Beatrice – Cody Konopasek, Verdigre, NE, Physical Therapy, Beatrice Community Hospital, 10/24-12/16; Laura Pearson, Lincoln, NE, Physician Assistant, Community Medical Center, 9/26-12/18; Abby Schlueter, Beatrice, NE, Physician Assistant, Community Medical Center, 8/29-9/25
Bellevue – Shannon Buster, Byron, NE, Physician Assistant, Creighton Family Practice, 10/24-11/20; Shannon Buster, Byron, NE, Physician Assistant, Bellevue Family Practice, 11/21-12/18; Katie Fredette, Beekmantown, NY, Physician Assistant, The Asthma and Allergy Center, 11/21-12/18; Trisha Gall, La Vista, NE, Physician Assistant, Creighton Family Practice, 9/26-10/23; Amanda Gilbert, Pharmacy, The Nebraska Medical Center- Bellevue Pharmacy, 9/26-10/21; Margaret Hitzeman, , Pharmacy, The Nebraska Medical Center – Bellevue Pharmacy, 10/24-11/18; Danielle Longo, Kearney, NE, Pharmacy, The Nebraska Medical Center- Bellevue Pharmacy, 11/21-12/16; Keri McKay, Sterling, CO, Physician Assistant, Bellevue Family Practice, 11/21-12/18; Heidi Schmidt, Brookfield, WI, Physician Assistant, Bellevue Family Practice, 9/26-10/23; Anna Trosper (Foley), Pharmacy, The Nebraska Medical Center – Bellevue Pharmacy, 8/29-9/23; Kelly Wilbert, Wichita, KS, Physician Assistant, Creighton Family Practice, 8/29-9/25
Boys Town – Nicki Alexander, Fremont, NE, Physician Assistant, Boys Town Pediatrics, 11/21-12/18; Kelsey Stoysich, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Boys Town Pediatrics, 9/26-10/23
Broken Bow – Susanne Crumley, St. Edward, NE, Pharmacy, Holcomb Pharmacy, 10/24-11/18; Alisha Mauler, Medicine, Central Nebraska Medical Clinic, P.C., 10/24-12/18; Edward Rastovski, Wahoo, NE, Pharmacy, Holcomb Pharmacy, 8/29-9/23; Paula Thielen, Medicine, Broken Bow Clinic, 10/24-12/18
Callaway – Ashley Reynolds, , Medicine, Callaway Medical Clinic, 10/24-12/18
Cambridge – Jay Arthur, Syracuse, NE, Physician Assistant, Tri Valley Health System, 9/26-12/18; Ben Huebner, Medicine, Tri Valley Health System, 10/24-12/18
Central City – Alexander Moustakes, Medicine, Lone Tree Medical Associates, P.C., 10/24-12/18
Chadron – Kevin Denton, Medicine, Chadron Medical Clinic, 10/24-12/18; Kyle Schmidt,  Medicine, Chadron Medical Clinic, 8/29-10/21
Columbus – Christina Berry, Tustin, CA, Physician Assistant, Columbus Women’s Healthcare, 10/24-11/20; Breanna Bjerrum, , Dentistry, Good Neighbors Community Health Center, 11/28-12/9; Ben Bruns, Columbus, NE, Physical Therapy, Columbus Physical Therapy, 10/24-12/16; Kyle Clarey, Columbus, NE, Pharmacy, Tooley Drug, 8/29-9/23; Kyle Clarey, Columbus, NE, Pharmacy, Columbus Community Hospital, 9/26-10/21; Jonathan Jessen, Dentistry, Good Neighbors Community Health Center, 9/19-9/30; Christine Korth, Humphrey, NE, Pharmacy, Columbus Community Hospital, 11/21-12/16; Rachel Masters, Lincoln, NE, Physical Therapy, Columbus Community Hospital, 10/24-12/16; Kari Sims, Dentistry, Good Neighbors Community Health Center, 10/11-10/22; Justin Weber, Dentistry, Good Neighbors Community Health Center, 9/19-9/30
Cozad – Travis Eichenberger, Beatrice, NE, Physical Therapy, Cozad Community Hospital, 10/24-12/16
Crawford – Sharla Janssen, Rushville, NE, Pharmacy, Crawford Pharmacy, 10/24-11/18
Creighton – Rachel Gubbels, Osmond, NE, Physician Assistant, Avera Medical Group Creighton, 9/26-12/18
Crete – Anni Harmon, Beatrice, NE, Physician Assistant, Crete Area Medical Center, 8/29-10/23
David City – Ashley Bruegman, Pierce, NE, Physician Assistant, Witter Family Practice, 9/26-10/23; Christine Clerc, Bellevue, NE, Physician Assistant, Butler County Clinic, 9/26-12/18; Melissa Eickmeier, Bellwood, NE, Pharmacy, David City Discount Pharmacy, 11/21-12/16; Dean Seavecki, Plover, WI, Physician Assistant, Witter Family Practice, 10/24-12/18
Elkhorn – Zachary Monono, Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy #11204 – Elkhorn, 10/24-11/18; Laura Orwe, Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy #11204 – Elkhorn, 11/21-12/16; Corinne Shields, Omaha, NE, Pharmacy, U-Save Pharmacy – Elkhorn (was Elkhorn Drug), 8/29-9/23; Bernadette Ueda, San Diego, CA, Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy #11204 – Elkhorn, 8/29-9/23
Fairbury – Jacob Oran, Medicine, Fairbury Clinic, 10/24-12/18
Fremont – Adam Haussler, Medicine, Pediatric Partners, 11/21-12/16; Sarah Jones, Medicine, Kid Care, 9/26-10/21; Alexandra Kilgore, Medicine, Kid Care, 8/29-9/23; Ron Kmiecik, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Heartland Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Clinic, 9/26-10/23; Kendra Luebke, Medicine, Pediatric Partners, 8/29-9/23; Shana Norris, Medicine, Kid Care, 10/24-11/18; Abbey Reed, Medicine, Kid Care, 11/21-12/16; Amy Reiner, West Point, NE, Pharmacy, Miller East Pharmacy, 9/26-10/21; Amy Reiner, West Point, NE, Pharmacy, Fremont Area Medical Center – Geriatrics, 10/24-11/18; Amanda Ruppert, Medicine, Pediatric Partners, 9/26-10/21; Gregory Stecker, Medicine, Pediatric Partners, 10/24-11/18; Anna Trosper (Foley), Pharmacy, Fremont Area Medical Center – Geriatrics, 11/21-12/16; Danita Velasco, Medicine, Prairie Fields Medical Clinic, 8/29-10/21
Geneva – Cortney Boeck, Lincoln, NE, Physician Assistant, Filmore County Medical Center, 10/24-12/18
Gering – Molly Asbjornson, Lincoln, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 10/18-10/21; Mikaela Baxter, North Platte, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 10/25-10/28; Kara Bogus, Columbus, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 9/13-9/16; Kellie Fender, Omaha, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 9/27-9/30; Ashley Gurney, Burwell, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 10/4-10/7; Katherine Kohout, Towson, MD, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 9/13-9/16; Inna Sherman, Omaha, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 11/1-11/4; Ashley Van Winkle, Omaha, NE, Dentistry, Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, 10/4-10/7
Gothenburg – Jessica Harden, Grand Island, NE, Physician Assistant, Gothenburg Family Practice Asso, 9/26-10/23
Grand Island – Michael Augustine, Dentistry, First Dental, 10/3-10/14; Tara Behne, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, St. Francis Rural Oncology – Grand Island, 8/29-9/23; Tara Behne, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 9/26-10/21; Kyle Clarey, Columbus, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA – Acute Geriatrics, 11/21-12/16; Melissa Eickmeier, Bellwood, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA – Acute Geriatrics, 10/24-11/18; Alicia Halter, North Platte, NE, Physician Assistant, Nebraska Heart Institute, 8/29-9/25; Stefanie Hansen, Aurora, NE, Physical Therapy, Grand Island Physical Therapy, 10/24-12/16; Megan Hrnicek, Seward, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 11/21-12/16; Tyler Humphrey, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 11/21-12/16; Emily Johnson, Sidney, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 8/29-9/23; Jessica Johnson, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 9/26-10/21; Maggie Kuhlmann, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 10/24-11/18; Kendra Kuncl, Prague, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA – Acute Geriatrics, 9/26-10/21; grant Meier, Elm Creek, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 8/29-9/23; Alysia Mowry, Cambridge, NE, Physician Assistant, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 10/24-11/20; Corey Nichols, Dentistry, First Dental, 10/3-10/14; Abraham Olude, Medicine, Family Practice of Grand Island, 10/24-12/18; Halie Schneiderheinz, Pharmacy, St. Francis Medical Center, 8/29-9/23; Halie Schneiderheinz, Pharmacy, Grand Island VA Medical Center, 9/26-10/21; Rachel Seidel, Crawford, NE, Pharmacy, St. Francis Medical Center, 9/26-10/21; Rachel Seidel, Crawford, NE, Pharmacy, Grand Island Veterans Home, 10/24-11/18; Paula Thielen, Medicine, Grand Island Clinic, 8/29-9/23; Tyler Vettel, Medicine, Family Practice of Grand Island, 8/29-10/21
Gretna – Robert Andersen, Treynor, IA, Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy Services, 8/29-9/23; Danyel Bartels, Fairbury, NE, Pharmacy, Vets First Choice, 10/24-11/18; Sean Brozek, Medicine, Gretna Family Health, 8/29-10/21; Aaron Cisar, Medicine, Gretna Family Health, 10/24-12/18; Leah Friedrich, Seward, NE, Physician Assistant, Gretna Family Health, 9/26-10/23; Adrienne Isaacson, West Des Moines, IA, Physician Assistant, Gretna Family Health, 11/21-12/18; Sharla Janssen, Rushville, NE, Pharmacy, Vets First Choice, 9/26-10/21; Jaeyeon Kim, Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy Services, 11/21-12/16; Kylie Roe, Grand Island, NE, Physician Assistant, Gretna Family Health, 10/24-11/20; Ryan Santin, Medicine, Gretna Family Health, 8/29-10/21
Hastings – Mikaela Dierks, Worthington, MN, Physician Assistant, Children & Adolescent Clinic, 10/24-11/20; Leah Friedrich, Seward, NE, Physician Assistant, Hastings Medical Practice, 10/24-11/20; Alicia Halter, North Platte, NE, Physician Assistant, Lanning Center, 10/24-11/20; Kelsey Hansen, Omaha, NE, Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation, 10/24-12/16; Ashley Reynolds, Medicine, Children & Adolescent Clinic, 8/29-9/23
Holdrege – Katie Fredette, Beekmantown, NY, Physician Assistant, Family Medical Specialties, 8/29-9/25; Trevor Gregath, Medicine, High Plains Clinic, LLC, 8/29-10/21; Alexa Grzywa, Kearney, NE, Physician Assistant, Family Medical Specialties, 9/26-12/18; Humara Qasimyar, Medicine, Family Medicine Specialties, 8/29-10/21; Rachel Seidel, Crawford, NE, Pharmacy, Noble Drug, 8/29-9/23
Kearney – Dennis Bierle, Medicine, Kearney Clinic, 8/29-10/21; Amanda Calleroz, Medicine, Kearney Clinic, 10/24-12/18; LaKeisha Cox, Medicine, Kearney Clinic, 10/24-11/18; Nicole Hoffmann, Axtell, NE, Physician Assistant, Kearney Clinic, 9/26-10/23; Nicole Hoffmann, Axtell, NE, Physician Assistant, Kearney Clinic, 10/24-11/20; Nicole Hoffmann, Axtell, NE, Physician Assistant, Richard Young Hospital, 11/21-12/18; Jennifer Hunke, Lexington, NE, Physician Assistant, ENT Physicians of Kearney, 8/29-9/25; Jennifer Hunke, Lexington, NE, Physician Assistant, New West Sports Med & Orthopedic Surgery, 9/26-10/23; Jennifer Hunke, Lexington, NE, Physician Assistant, Kearney Clinic, 10/24-11/20; Charles Kasson, Amherst, NE, Physical Therapy, Good Samaritan Hospital, 10/24-12/16; Kathryn Kersenbrock, Medicine, Kearney Clinic, 8/29-10/21; Yuji Kitabatake, Sendai, JAPAN, Physician Assistant, Richard Young Hospital, 8/29-9/25; Yuji Kitabatake, Sendai, JAPAN, Physician Assistant, New West Sports Med & Orthopedic Surgery, 10/24-11/20; Yuji Kitabatake, Sendai, JAPAN, Physician Assistant, Platte Valley Cardiology, 11/21-12/18; Alisha Mauler, Medicine, Kearney Clinic, 8/29-9/23; Becca Pine, Dellwood, MN, Physician Assistant, Platte Valley Cardiology, 10/24-11/20; Kirk Robinson, Bertrand, NE, Medicine, Good Samaritan Hospital, 8/15-5/4/2012; Brittany Schultz, Medicine, Kearney Clinic, 9/26-10/21; Ethan Stout, Alliance, NE, Physical Therapy, Family Physical Therapy, 10/24-12/16
Kearney/Grand Island – Ashley Kuebler, Buffalo, NE, Medicine, Good Samaritan Hospital/St. Francis Med Ctr, 8/15-5/4/2012
LaVista – Andrew Bendlin, Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy #04754 – 84th & Harrison, 8/29-9/23; Jeremiah Bertschinger, Bloomfield, NE, Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy #04754 – 84th & Harrison, 10/24-11/18; Tasha Blomstedt, Lincoln, NE, Physician Assistant, UMA Internal Medicine – Brentwood, 8/29-9/25; Amy Hoferer, Creighton, NE, Physician Assistant, UMA Internal Medicine – Brentwood, 11/21-12/18; Tara Muller, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, UMA Internal Medicine – Brentwood, 10/24-11/20
Lexington – Emma Edwards, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Plum Creek Medical Group, 9/26-12/18; Lauren Gengenbach, Medicine, Plum Creek Medical Group, 10/24-12/18; Jordan Homan, Medicine, Plum Creek Medical Group, 8/29-10/21; Jennifer Hunke, Lexington, NE, Physician Assistant, Plum Creek Medical Group, 11/21-12/18; Sarah Jacobitz-Kiser, Medicine, Plum Creek Medical Group, 7/5-8/26; Jessica Johnson, Medicine, Plum Creek Medical Group, 10/24-12/18; Kathleen McKillip, Medicine, Plum Creek Medical Group, 8/29-10/21
Lincoln – Patrick Anderson, Dentistry, Veterans Administration Medical Center, 8/22-9/2; Jolyn Anderson, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, Cardinal Hlth Nuclear Pharm – Lincoln, 8/29-9/23; Jolyn Anderson, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, Hy-Vee Pharmacy – Village Drive (Lincoln), 9/26-10/21; Danyel Bartels, Fairbury, NE, Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 9/26-10/21; Ross Bergt, Omaha, NE, Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 9/26-10/21; Cortney Boeck, Lincoln, NE, Physician Assistant, Premier Psychiatric Group, LLC, 9/26-10/23; Ashley Bruegman, Pierce, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Clinic, 8/29-9/25; Brienna Cameron, Chambers, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Internal Medicine Associates, 9/26-10/23; Brienna Cameron, Chambers, NE, Physician Assistant, Premier Psychiatric Group, LLC, 10/24-11/20; Lovejot Choong, Kansas City, MO, Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 11/21-12/16; Joshua Dean, Bridgeport, NE, Physician Assistant, BryanLGH Heart Institute, 10/24-11/20; Mikaela Dierks, Worthington, MN, Physician Assistant, Surgical Specialists, 11/21-12/18; Leah Friedrich, Seward, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Pediatric Group, 11/21-12/18; Josh Garza, Minatare, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Pediatric Group, 9/26-10/23; Jeremy Gieseke, Winger, MN, Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 8/29-9/23; Amanda Gilmore, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Nebraska Heart Hospital, 8/29-9/25; Steph Hall, Columbus, NE, Physician Assistant, Nebraska Heart Institute, 11/21-12/18; Alicia Halter, North Platte, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Clinic, 9/26-10/23; Jessica Harden, Grand Island, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Pediatric Group, 11/21-12/18; Anthony Hruska, Ulysses, NE, Pharmacy, Bryan LGH Medical Center, 9/26-10/21; Anthony Hruska, Ulysses, NE, Pharmacy, Celerion (formerly MDS Pharma Services), 11/21-12/16; Lonna Hughes, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, Lincoln Regional Center, 8/29-9/23; Lonna Hughes, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, Bryan LGH Medical Center, 10/24-11/18; Lonna Hughes, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, Nebraska Heart Hospital, 11/21-12/16; Hannah Jessen, Firth, NE, Physician Assistant, Heart and Hands Womencare, 10/24-11/20; Erin Kottich, Yutan, NE, Physical Therapy, Madonna ProActive, 10/24-12/16; Kendra Kuncl, Prague, NE, Pharmacy, CVS Pharmacy #8610, 11/21-12/16; Tyler Lawson, McCook, NE, Pharmacy, St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center – Burn and Wound Care, 11/21-12/16; Nicholas Lehmann, Lincoln, NE, Pharmacy, Lincoln Regional Center, 10/24-11/18; Kylee Lindstedt, West Point, NE, Physician Assistant, Premier Psychiatric Group, LLC, 11/21-12/18; Niki Long, Elkhorn, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Internal Medicine Associates, 9/26-10/23; Niki Long, Elkhorn, NE, Physician Assistant, Nebraska Department of Corrections, 11/21-12/18; Danielle Longo, Kearney, NE, Pharmacy, HyVee – Lincoln, 8/29-9/23; Peter Longo, Dentistry, People’s Health Center, 9/19-9/30; Danielle Longo, Kearney, NE, Pharmacy, Nebraska Heart Hospital, 10/24-11/18; Jenna Mann, Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 8/29-9/23; Marion Max, Shenandoah, IA, Pharmacy, Bryan LGH Medical Center, 8/29-9/23; Marion Max, Shenandoah, IA, Pharmacy, Lincoln Regional Center, 9/26-10/21; Racheal McMahon, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Pediatric Group, 10/24-11/20; Leah Mergen, Brookings, SD, Physician Assistant, Doctors of Children Lincoln, 10/24-11/20; Lisa Minnick, Cambridge, NE, Physician Assistant, Premier Psychiatric Group, LLC, 9/26-10/23; Hope Mulgrew, Pharmacy, Cardinal Hlth Nuclear Pharm – Lincoln, 9/26-10/21; Dzuan Nguyen, Pharmacy, National Pharmacy Specialties, 8/29-9/23; Anthony Podany, Pharmacy, Celerion (formerly MDS Pharma Services), 9/26-10/21; Chelsea Richardson, McPherson, KS, Physician Assistant, Surgical Specialists, 9/26-10/23; Chelsea Richardson, McPherson, KS, Physician Assistant, Autumn Ridge Family Medicine, 10/24-11/20; Chelsea Richardson, McPherson, KS, Physician Assistant, ENT Specialties, 11/21-12/18; Laurel Robinson, Elkhorn, NE, Pharmacy, Lincoln Surgical Hospital, 9/26-10/21; Kylie Roe, Grand Island, NE, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Clinic, 11/21-12/18; Tiarra Rouse, Doniphan, NE, Physical Therapy, Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, 10/24-12/16; Angela Schick, Eureka, SD, Physician Assistant, Lincoln Internal Medicine Associates, 8/29-9/25; Angela Schick, Eureka, SD, Physician Assistant, Bozarth Orthopaedic & Occupational Medicine, LLC, 10/24-11/20; Abby Schlueter, Beatrice, NE, Physician Assistant, St. Elizabeth Medical Plaza Building, 9/26-10/23; Rachel Seidel, Crawford, NE, Pharmacy, Cardinal Hlth Nuclear Pharm – Lincoln, 11/21-12/16; Eric Sundsboe, Pharmacy, Celerion (formerly MDS Pharma Services), 8/29-9/23; Eric Sundsboe, Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 11/21-12/16; Jennifer Thiele, Omaha, NE, Pharmacy, Cardinal Hlth Nuclear Pharm – Lincoln, 11/21-12/16; Anna Trosper (Foley), Pharmacy, Cardinal Hlth Nuclear Pharm – Lincoln, 9/26-10/21; Anna Trosper (Foley), Pharmacy, Nebraska Pharmacists Association, 10/24-11/18; Loree Weese, Kansas City, MO, Pharmacy, HyVee – Lincoln, 9/26-10/21; Tim Wrenholt, Norfolk, NE, Physical Therapy, BryanLGH, 10/24-12/16; Tara Zabawa, Columbus, NE, Physician Assistant, Bryan LGH East Ed, 10/24-11/20
McCook – Kari Cox, Beatrice, NE, Physician Assistant, McCook Community Hospital, 8/29-9/25; Tyler Lawson, McCook, NE, Pharmacy, Community Hospital – McCook, 8/29-9/23; Natalie Ronshaugen, Medicine, McCook Clinic, 8/29-10/21
Nebraska City – Tasha Blomstedt, Lincoln, NE, Physician Assistant, Nebraska City Medical Clinic, 9/26-12/18; Abby Daum, Hartland, WI, Physician Assistant, Nebraska City Clinic, 11/21-12/18; Brady Fickenscher, Medicine, Nebraska City Medical Clinic, 8/29-10/21; Niki Long, Elkhorn, NE, Physician Assistant, Nebraska City Medical Clinic, 8/29-9/25
Norfolk – Chance Boesch, Humphrey, NE, Physical Therapy, Faith Regional Health Services, 10/24-12/16; Zacadia Carstens, Norfolk, NE, Medicine, Faith Regional Health Services, 8/15-5/4/2012; Monica Hilger, Lincoln, NE, Physician Assistant, Norfolk Clinic, 9/26-10/23; Mary Peetz, O’Neill, NE, Medicine, Faith Regional Health Services, 8/15-5/4/2012
North Platte – Kathleen Adey, Omaha, NE, Medicine, Great Plains Regional Medical Center, 8/15-5/4/2012; Horacio Alvarez Ramirez, Medicine, Adolescent & Child Care, P.C., 11/21-12/16; Amanda Calleroz, Medicine, Adolescent & Child Care, P.C., 8/29-9/23; Alicia Halter, North Platte, NE, Physician Assistant, Platte Valley Skin Clinic, 11/21-12/18; Sean Hershberger, Dentistry, Maple Park Dental, 9/19-9/30; Sharla Janssen, Rushville, NE, Pharmacy, U-Save Pharmacy – North Platte (Bill’s U-Save Pharmacy), 8/29-9/23; Emily Johnson, Sidney, NE, Pharmacy, Great Plains Regional Medical Center, 11/21-12/16; Romina Mancini, Denver, CO, Medicine, Great Plains Regional Medical Center, 8/15-5/4/2012; Keri McKay, Sterling, CO, Physician Assistant, Midlands Family Medicine, 8/29-9/25; Katie Messer, Cheyenne, WY, Physician Assistant, North Platte Orthopedic & Sports Medicine, 9/26-10/23; Amanda Nelson, Bellevue, NE, Physician Assistant, Adolescent and Child Care Specialists, 10/24-11/20
Oakland – Austen Fagerland, Langford, SD, Physician Assistant, Oakland Medical Clinic, 8/29-11/20
Ogallala – Emily Johnson, Sidney, NE, Pharmacy, Pamida Pharmacy – Ogallala, NE, 10/24-11/18
O’Neill – Brienna Cameron, Chambers, NE, Physician Assistant, O’Neill Family Practice, 11/21-12/18; Amy Hoferer, Creighton, NE, Physician Assistant, O’Neill Family Practice, 9/26-10/23; Amanda Nelson, Bellevue, NE, Physician Assistant, O’Neill Family Practice, 8/29-9/25
Ord – James Bird, Burwell, NE, Pharmacy, Good Life Discount Pharmacy, 10/24-11/18; Sarah Zalaznik, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, Ord Family Health Center, 10/24-12/18
Papillion – James Bisanti, Medicine, Alegent Health First Health Physicians, 10/24-12/18; Andrew Maresch, Medicine, Alegent Health First Health Physicians, 8/29-10/21
Pawnee City – Jill Hentzen, Seward, NE, Physician Assistant, Attn: Kris Kubik, RN, 8/29-10/23; Abby Schlueter, Beatrice, NE, Physician Assistant, Attn: Kris Kubik, RN, 11/21-12/18
Plattsmoth – Megan Saathoff, Medicine, UNMC Physicians Plattsmouth, 11/21-12/16
Plattsmouth – Claudia Balta, Randolph, NE, Physician Assistant, UMA, 9/26-10/23; Lauren Gengenbach, Medicine, UNMC Physicians Plattsmouth, 9/26-10/21; Joseph Hejkal, Medicine, UNMC Physicians Plattsmouth, 10/24-11/18; Jill Hentzen, Seward, NE, Physician Assistant, UMA, 10/24-11/20; Hannah Jessen, Firth, NE, Physician Assistant, UMA, 11/21-12/18
Schuyler – Frank Lin, Medicine, Alegent Health Clinic, 8/29-10/21
Scottsbluff – Randall Ambroz, Medicine, Regional West Physicians Clinic – Pediatrics, 9/26-10/21; Christopher Nikodym, Scottsbluff, NE, Medicine, Regional West, 8/15-5/4/2012; Angela Schick, Eureka, SD, Physician Assistant, Regional West Medical Ctr – ER, 9/26-10/23; Brittany Schultz, Medicine, Horizons West Medical Clinic, 10/24-12/18; Jared Young, Chadron, NE, Medicine, Regional West, 8/15-5/4/2012
Seward – Dana Archbold, Medicine, Seward Memorial Clinic, 8/29-10/21
Sidney – Amy Cook, Medicine, Sidney Medical Associates, 10/24-12/18; Evan Correll, Medicine, Sidney Medical Associates, 8/29-10/21; Emily Johnson, Sidney, NE, Pharmacy, Walmart #5170 – Sidney, NE (SC), 9/26-10/21; Lisa Minnick, Cambridge, NE, Physician Assistant, Memorial Health Center, 11/21-12/18; Kylie Roe, Grand Island, NE, Physician Assistant, Memorial Health Center, 9/26-10/23; Heidi Schmidt, Brookfield, WI, Physician Assistant, Memorial Health Center, 10/24-11/20; Brett Williams, Kearney, NE, Physical Therapy, Memorial Health Center, 10/24-12/16
St. Paul – Adam Schapmann, Tilden, NE, Physician Assistant, Howard County Medical Clinic, 9/26-12/18
Superior – Tyler Kozal, Pharmacy, Superior Pharmacy, 11/21-12/16
Tecumseh – Randall Amabroz, Medicine, Johnson County Medical Center, 10/24-12/18
Tilden – Steve Peterson, Plainview, NE, Physician Assistant, Tilden Community Hospital Medical Clinic, 9/26-10/23
Valentine – Sarah Jones, Medicine, Valentine Medical Clinic, 10/24-12/18; Nathan Stec, Valentine, NE, Physician Assistant, Valentine Medical Clinic, 8/29-11/20
Wahoo – Dan Beckstead, Bellevue, NE, Physical Therapy, Saunder Medical Center, 10/24-12/16; Shannon Buster, Byron, NE, Physician Assistant, Saunders Medical Center, 9/26-10/23
York – Ross Bergt, Omaha, NE, Pharmacy, York General Hospital, 11/21-12/16; Christina Berry, Tustin, CA, Physician Assistant, York Medical Clinic, 9/26-10/23; Sarah Guinane, Omaha, NE, Physician Assistant, York Medical Clinic, 9/26-12/18; Alysia Mowry, Cambridge, NE, Physician Assistant, York Medical Clinic, 11/21-12/18; Hope Mulgrew, Pharmacy, York General Hospital, 10/24-11/18; Natalie Ommen, Medicine, York Medical Clinic, 8/29-10/21; Amanda Ruppert, Medicine, York Medical Clinic, 10/24-12/18; Keenan Taylor, Medicine, York Medical Clinic, 8/29-10/21
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