Electronic Health Record contract signed, implementation phase starts

EHR leadership teams and chairs

  • Clinical Research and Quality Leadership — Chris Kratochvil, M.D.
  • Revenue Readiness Team — Troy Wilhelm
  • Clinical Leadership Team — Dawn Straub
  • Physician Leadership Team — Cori McBride, M.D.
  • IT Leadership Team — Lianne Stevens
  • Communications Team — Crista Madsen

A contract has been signed with Epic Systems Corporation of Verona, Wis., to provide electronic health record (EHR) software for The Nebraska Medical Center, UNMC and affiliated UNMC Physicians clinics.

The implementation phase is now underway.

Oversight and steering committees have been formed and now meet regularly and the leadership teams and their chairs have now been formed (see sidebar).

Initial selection for the EHR Core Team has been completed and staff members are now gearing up to begin training later this month.

Learn more about EHR implementation and/or submit a question online.

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