Temme to hold SAHP’s first endowed chair

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Jim Temme
Jim Temme of UNMC’s School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) has been appointed the Charles R. O’Malley Chair for Radiation Science Technology Education.

The endowed faculty chair — the first in the SAHP — was made possible through the generosity of the Charles R. O’Malley Charitable Lead Trust through the New York Community Trust. Trustees worked with the University of Nebraska Foundation to establish the chair.

Who was Charles O’Malley?

Charles O’Malley was a businessman, educator and philanthropist who often spoke of his work with such oil tanker owners as Aristotle Onassis. At age 17, the Perry, Iowa, native hopped a freight train for Boston and became a nurse. He eventually settled in New York City and worked for Pan American Airways, Mobil Oil and the T.J. Stevenson Co. (shipping). He also represented the Plough group of more than 50 radio and TV stations in their dealings with ad agencies and served as director of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. He died in 2008 at age 93.

“We are tremendously grateful to everyone who made the endowed chair a reality for the SAHP,” said Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., associate dean of the SAHP. “This marks a transformational milestone for the school.”

Temme, associate director of Radiation Science Technology Education (RSTE), discussed the recent honor.

What is the significance of the endowed chair?

This is one of the highest internal honors a faulty member can receive. This generous gift will have a considerable impact on promoting the development of the RSTE division.

What will this enable RSTE to accomplish?

The endowed chair enables RSTE faculty to explore innovative ways to improve education and bolster research in the radiation sciences.

Describe the role of RSTE graduates within health care.

Graduates assist radiologists and other health care professionals in the area of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy.


  1. Dave Carver says:

    Congratulations Jim. This is a great honor and well deserved!

  2. Robert Fuchs says:

    More congratulations. This is a big deal!

  3. Cathy Dressen says:

    Well done Jim! Congrats!

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