In any given week, approximately 22,000 people in the metropolitan area and beyond don’t get enough to eat and many of those are children.
The theme for the two week drive is “Giving a Little Helps a Lot.”
The drive – which is organized by the Nurses’ Week Committee and others — will run from Nov. 1 to 14.
Remember to check the expiration dates and try to avoid food items in glass containers. According to the Food Bank, food items always in demand include:
- Macaroni and cheese;
- Peanut butter;
- Canned meats;
- Canned fruit; and
- Green beans.
Numerous collection bins will be placed throughout campus for employees to place their non-perishable food donations.
Last year more than five tons of food — 10,600 pounds — was collected during the drive.
The campus goal for this year is six tons — or 12,000 pounds — of food.