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Vacation/sick leave requests can now be made for 2011

Effective immediately, users of Firefly’s Employee Self Service (ESS) Create Leave Request process can request vacation or sick leave for the calendar year 2011.

Employees currently can only request up to 40 hours for vacation and 40 hours sick leave into 2011.

picture disc.

Users may receive warnings regarding leave balances if they request vacation and sick leave for 2011 now.
Please note, when you view your remainder balance, the information will not reflect your correct balances.

This is because your balance will not reflect any requests submitted for 2011 until the carry forward balance is moved to the new year, which will be done in January.

Also the warning messages (see photo) are legitimate because the leave balances are not yet recognized in 2011. These messages will not impact the processing of your request.

For questions about the Firefly Leave Request process, contact the UNMC Payroll office at 402-559-7460 or the Firefly/SAP Helpdesk at 402-559-5880.