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UNMC to recognize ‘bold and gutsy’ women

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Bobbi Ausubel is a contributor to the “That Takes Ovaries (TTO)” book, co-playwright of the That Takes Ovaries play and artistic director of the organization. She leads TTO women’s empowerment events all across the globe, including one set for Thursday at UNMC, where she also will sign books. (Photo by Holly Cornell)
Real stories about gusty women from around the globe are the focus of a Thursday event to highlight Women’s History Month.

“That Takes Ovaries: Bold Females and Their Brazen Acts” is a non-profit organization and international movement that celebrates courageous acts of women.

During the Thursday presentation, which starts at noon in the Truhlsen Campus Events Center, presenter Bobbi Ausubel will share personalized stories and encourage participants to recount stories of the phenomenal women who have made a difference in their lives.

“We hope to not only share how women have historically made a difference in our world, but also celebrate the awesome women at UNMC and The Nebraska Medical Center,” said Linda Cunningham, diversity specialist in UNMC’s Human Resources Department and president of UNMC’s Employee Diversity Network (EDN).

UNMC participants

Several UNMC employees will present dramatic readings from the book, “That Takes Ovaries: Bold Females and Their Brazen Acts,” including:

  • Linda Cunningham;
  • Fran Higgins; and
  • Athena Ramos.

A banner will be unveiled at the event that commemorates the phenomenal women in our lives. Everyone is invited to write on the banner the name of a woman who inspired them. The banner will be posted in various locations around campus for the remainder of Women’s History Month, where it can be signed by employees and students.

The presentation is part of the 2010 Diversity Lectures and Cultural Arts Series, which is co-sponsored by UNMC’s Human Resources Department and EDN. The event is open to men and women. The first 60 attendees will receive a hot lunch.

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