(EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is from UNMC Human Resources.
At some point in their careers, most professionals experience conflict in the workplace that creates a noticeable level of tension.
They are left wondering whether to ignore the conflict and how to break through the resulting roadblocks.
UNMC Human Resources’ Spring Lunch and Learn Series, which kicks off on Feb. 11, will address various methods of handling such situations.
The first session, “Conflict Considerations,” will start at 11:30 a.m. in the Durham Research Center Auditorium.
During this session, participants will explore what to do with conflict when it surfaces. Participants will look at various alternatives, consequences and questions to consider, long before taking action.
The speaker for this session will be Gretchen Finke Patras, president of GFP & Company, Inc.
Subsequent lunch and learn sessions include:
- March 3 — Dealing with Difficult Conversations, College of Nursing — Cooper Auditorium, Rooms 1011/1012;
- April 15 — Keeping your Cool under Conflict, College of Nursing — Cooper Auditorium, Rooms 1011/1012; and
- May 13 — Playing the Trigger Card, location TBD.
A sandwich, soda and chips will be provided to participants at each session.
Preregistration is required and can be completed by clicking here or by visiting sapphire.nebraska.edu, and clicking on training, then training registration.
Spring 2009 Lunch and Learn sessions will be available on archived webcast seven to 10 days following each session.
The webcast will be listed on the Human Resources Web site under Training and Development, Lunch and Learn.
Contact Debra Motl at dmotl@unmc.edu for more information.