Check your NUFLEX 2009 confirmation statements

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a note from the UNMC Benefits Office.)

Your NUFlex confirmation statements will be mailed to your departmental address from Lincoln during the next few days.

Please check them carefully, noting especially the information for the tobacco designation for your life insurance coverage as well as the annual dollar amount you have requested for the health care and dependent day care reimbursement accounts.

If there are any errors, please make your corrections right on that statement, sign and date somewhere on the bottom and return to the UNMC Benefits Office at campus ZIP 5470 no later than Dec. 29.

If the change is related to your tobacco status, please staple the Assurity Life Insurance Tobacco/Nicotine Designation Change Form to the confirmation statement — the form can be found on the University of Nebraska Benefits Web site at

This is your last chance to ensure your benefits information for 2009 is correct.

Any forms received after Dec. 29 will not be accepted and no changes will be allowed for 2009.

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