Employee satisfaction survey to begin Sept. 10

A note from UNMC Human Resources

The satisfaction and commitment of faculty and staff continues to be a critical success factor in the strategic plan for UNMC. As in 2002, 2004 and 2006, a 32-question confidential survey will be sent to reassess the perceptions of current, regular employees, beginning Sept. 10.

Promotional posters and flyers were distributed in the past few weeks to various campus locations to encourage participation.

The survey has been designed to be very brief and should not take more than a few minutes to complete. All individual survey responses will be completely confidential.

In order to assure confidentiality, UNMC has obtained the services of a private consulting firm, Jerry Dyksterhuis, LLC, to process and tabulate the survey responses.

For recognition purposes, please note that Jerry Dyksterhuis, LLC uses an IT Platform Manager, Insala, PLLC, which will send an e-mail with full instructions for completing the survey.

The sender of the e-mail, which is titled “UNMC 2008 Satisfaction Survey,” is Employee_Survey@insala.com.

No one from UNMC will see any employee’s individual responses.

Access to the survey will be distributed within the next several days via e-mail from Insala, PLLC directly to all regular full-time and part-time employees who have a Lotus Notes e-mail address.

Those who do not have a Lotus Notes e-mail address will receive a paper copy survey form.

Results of the 2002, 2004 and 2006 surveys may be viewed at the Human Resources Web site at www.unmc.edu/hr. After opening the site, click on the Human Resources site (on the top right column), then choose “Employee Satisfaction Survey” from the left column.

If you have any questions regarding the Employee Satisfaction Survey, please e-mail Amanda Tuttle at atuttle@unmc.edu.

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