For a fifth year, Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital is providing free injury evaluations and treatment at their Friday Night Injury Clinic.
Starting this week, the injury clinic will be open each Friday in the fall from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. to accommodate athletes after Friday night football games.
Athletes will be able to visit an orthopaedic physician and physical therapist during this time to assess injuries or athletic pain for no cost. Casting, X-ray and bracing also are free at the clinic.
“Easy access to the assessment and treatment of sports related injuries is important for all athletes and that is what our Friday Night Injury Clinics are all about,” said Tom Macy, chief executive officer of Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital. “We want to make sure that athletes can be seen by an orthopaedic surgeon and physical therapist as soon as possible after their injury occurs.”
The Friday Night Injury Clinic runs through Friday, Oct. 31. Patients are encouraged to go to Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital’s Web site, for more information about the clinic.