Spring Discover now available online

The Spring 2008 edition of UNMC Discover can now be read online by clicking here.

UNMC Discover, published twice a year by the vice chancellor for research and the department of public affairs, features in-depth stories about interesting and groundbreaking research being done at the medical center.

The Spring 2008 edition highlights how UNMC and the Eppley Cancer Center are building a renowned breast cancer program through research, education, screening and treatment. The 32-page publication also features:

  • The UNMC scientist laureate who is making a difference in cardiovascular research;
  • The distinguished scientists who rank among the world’s best;
  • An innovative researcher who is making intubation easier;
  • A mouse with a human liver that enables researchers to study hepatitis C;
  • A feeding disorder program at UNMC’s Munroe-Meyer Institute that teaches young kids to eat;
  • Adult stem cells used to fight macular degeneration; and
  • Research that targets tumors with pinpoint accuracy.

For a printed copy of the Spring 2008 UNMC Discover, contact Elizabeth Kumru at ekumru@unmc.edu or 559-4691. The next edition of UNMC Discover will be published in November.