Event to shine light on the bigger ‘wellness’ picture

Shuttle information

Below is a list of stops for shuttles transporting people to and from the April 17 “Well Aware” event at the Center for Healthy Living. (Click here to see a map of the shuttle stops.)

  • Stop 1 — Lot 20 entrance/exit at 41st Street
  • Stop 2 — Stairwell between Bennett Hall and the Lied Transplant Center
  • Stop 3 — Circle Drive
  • Stop 4 — Lot 32, west side of Swanson Hall
  • Stop 5 — Lot 27, Saddle Creek and Farnam
  • Stop 6 — MAT stop @ intersection of 42nd & Douglas Streets
  • Stop 7 — College of Nursing entrance
  • Final stop — Center for Healthy Living

Shuttles should start operating about 10:45 a.m. and stop running about 2:30 p.m.

When most hear the term “wellness” used in the workplace, thoughts of nutrition and exercise initiatives usually follow.

And while fitness is a big part of it, Jayme Nekuda of the Center for Healthy Living wants you to know “wellness” is about much more than treadmills and salads.

Her point will be emphasized Tuesday, April 17 at the center’s “Well Aware” event, which will feature a variety of wellness-themed booths from businesses and organizations.

“Health promotion and wellness are such broad concepts,” Nekuda said. “Mental health, safety, education and even financial planning are important aspects to maintaining wellness. And it goes far beyond that. The purpose of this event is to broaden people’s perspective on what wellness means and to let them know the various ways the medical center can help them maintain wellness.”

The event will feature exhibits from The Olson Center for Women’s Health, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Fontenelle Forest, UNMC Bookstore, UNMC Mail Services, Nutrition, Durham Western Heritage Museum, UNO Outdoor Venture Center, Donate Life Services, Activate Omaha, Metro Credit Union, TIAA-CREF, UNMC’s Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, University Optical and many more.

Wellness is an idea that refers to a sense of balance in all aspects of one’s life, Nekuda said.

“It’s really a holistic approach to living that deals with more than simply physical health,” Nekuda said. “Spending time in one’s garden or visiting Fontenelle Forest can help increase one’s sense of wellness. A balanced checkbook or the right prescription for glasses also contributes to a sense of wellness.”

The “Well Aware” event runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Center for Healthy Living. Shuttle buses will be available to take employees to the event.

If you would like to display an exhibit, contact Nekuda at 559-8448 or jnekuda@unmc.edu.

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