UNMC has found an unusual individual to serve as a spokesperson for community health literacy. His name is Dr. Jesse, and he’s a puppet.
Dr. Jesse, the creation of UNMC Community Nurse Coordinator Ira Combs, came to life three years ago as part of a marketing campaign to recruit more people of color for research. Combs said he now uses Dr. Jesse as an attempt to increase community health literacy.
“He has the ability to get people’s attention,” Combs said. “He’s able to say things most people wouldn’t want to say.”
Sporting sneakers, a white coat, earrings and a little bit of “bling” (jewelry) around his neck, the 2-foot-tall Sesame Street-like puppet presents basic information about healthy living to community members of all ages. He talks to people about health topics such as research, vitamins and nutrition.
Combs said Dr. Jesse does very few live performances, but sometimes speaks to children in schools. He usually chooses to act in university promotional ads and television shows. For instance, Dr. Jesse recently interviewed someone about prostate cancer and the importance of getting yearly check-ups.
Combs said people are much more willing to talk to Dr. Jesse about health issues. “No one wants to listen to another talking head,” he said.
Dr. Jesse and his friends Prevention Man, his sister Healthia, Empowerment Woman and his arch-nemesis Vira-Microbule, also appear in a set of comic books for kids. The books feature the adventures of Dr. Jesse along with crossword puzzles and games.
Dr. Jesse also stars in a music video called “Get Your Health On” and sponsors “Bling-Bling for Health,” a contest allowing kids the opportunity to call-in and give a healthy suggestion. In return, Dr. Jesse sends them some of their own “bling.”
Combs laughs. “People call me and recognize my voice,” he said. “They tell me I sound like Dr. Jesse.
“This is about unique marketing. We wanted to do something people would remember and associate that with a healthy message. He’s (Dr. Jesse) the voice of what people want to hear.”