CMMS, the “Comparative Medicine Management System,” is a new computerized business management system that includes (1) on-line animal ordering and “up to the minute” invoice access via UNMC’s Research Support System (RSS); (2) electronic barcode census; (3) on-line Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP) enrollment via RSS and (4) OHSP training via Blackboard. A key component of CMMS is the link between cost center and/or WBS numbers and active Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols.
UNMC Today will provide weekly messages to help you understand the topic and how it impacts your research program. This week’s message — outlines bar code census tracking issues.
Conversion of animal rooms from the old LAMBS system to the new CMMS system is planned for next week, May 2-6. Last week, an important e-mail communication was sent to each principal investigator. It contained 1) the tentative schedule for room conversion by investigator name, date and room number, and 2) written procedures for use of the new bar-coded cage cards. Cage card instructions also will be posted in all animal-holding rooms. The following information pertains to new bar coded cage cards and bar code census procedures.
Bar Code Census Tracking
Q. 1 – Which cages must have bar coded cage cards on them?
A. 1 – ALL caged housing animals MUST have a bar coded cage card.
Q. 2 – Where must the bar coded cage card be placed on each cage?
A. 2 – Bar codes on cage cards MUST be in clear view so they can be scanned.
Q. 3 – How often will Comparative Medicine personnel scan the bar coded cage cards?
A. 3 – Routine weekly census scans will be performed. Additional interim scans will be performed for blue-carded cages only. Cards placed in the “out boxes” by each facility exit will be scanned each day.
Q. 4 – What happens if a bar coded cage card is missing or lost?
A. 4 – If the weekly census bar code scan detects missing cage cards, a notice will be placed outside the door of the investigator’s animal room. Per diem will continue to be charged for the missing animal(s)/cage(s) for a maximum of two weeks, or less if the issue is resolved with CM before the end of the two weeks, i.e., when cage card is placed in the “out box” and/or PI’s staff provides information to CM regarding the missing cage card.
Q. 5 – When will per diem charges stop accruing for a lost cage card?
A. 5 – Per-diem charges will stop after the cage card is placed in the “out box” near each animal facility exit. They will be scanned each day.
Q. 6 – What if I need to transfer animals to another room or IACUC protocol and/or cost object?
A. 6 – Transfer requests should be made via the Web site or via e-mail to CM at For protocol and/or room changes, new cards will be printed when Comparative Medicine processes the on-line request, or e-mail request. New cards will not be needed for cost object changes. When Comparative Medicine processes the on-line request, or e-mail request, the change will be reflected in the system for appropriate billing. NOTE: Only cost object changes made BEFORE Comparative Medicine enters billing information into the SAP system, can be accomplished this way. Once Comparative Medicine submits the billing information to SAP, ONLY the principal investigator, via journal transfer, can change the cost object for the charges.
Added or Removed Cages/Animals
Q. 7 – What if single housed animals are permanently removed from a study?
A. 7 – Remove the cage card from the cage and place it in the “out box” which can be found near exit of each CM facility. Cards in “out box” will be scanned at the end of the day by CM technicians.
Q. 8 – What if group housed rats and hamsters are permanently removed from a study?
A. 8 – Take a blue card from the card box located in the animal room and place it in front of the scanner cage card. CM technicians will then process the “out” via an additional census scan of the cage. Blue cards are to be used to flag any changes in cages/rooms that need to be scanned before the next weekly scan (e.g., rats that change from regular per diem rate to diabetic rate).
Q. 9 – What if I breed rodents and I need to add new cages to my room? How do I obtain new bar coded cage cards to place on the new cages?
A. 9 – To ensure that the required numbers of new cage cards are available in the animal room, please request them at least 24 hours in advance. Request the cards via the online site at The CM staff will process your request. Each facility has a printer. Place new cards on the new cages as animals are added and notify Comparative Medicine of the specific unique identification number printed on EACH new cage card that you placed into service. NOTE: If Comparative Medicine is not notified when new cards and cages are placed in the animal room/s, the PI will be charged from the last regular census date until the next census date when the new cards were detected. This is the same procedure that was in effect with the old system.
Q. 10 – How do I ensure that bar coded cage cards are placed on each cage for new animal orders/deliveries?
A. 10 – Following receipt of new animals, cage cards will be printed and placed on the cages by Comparative Medicine animal care personnel. The cards will reflect the information received at the time of the order.
If you’re a manager or research administrator, please ensure all of your employees are informed of the contents of these messages and how it applies to your work area. Some ways of sharing the information include discussions during staff meetings, printing and posting this message or asking your employees if they have further questions.