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CDC scientist visits UNMC

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Janet Fick Hindler (center), a clinical scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was in Omaha last week for a regional meeting of clinical laboratory scientists. During her stay in Omaha, she stopped at UNMC and provided her insights on the current enhanced methodology for testing bacteria against anti-bacterial agents, such as penicillin. She is pictured here with three UNMC staff members Tony Sambol, medical technology (second from left); Paul Fey, Ph.D., pathology & microbiology (second from right); and Pete Iwen, Ph.D., pathology & microbiology (far right); as well as Josh Rowland (far left), state training coordinator for laboratory scientists for the Nebraska Public Health Laboratory. Fick Hindler is doing a four-year interagency placement with the CDC. She is on the staff of the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.