Appropriations Committee recommends half-percent cut to NU

The Legislature’s Appropriations Committee is recommending that $2 million (one-half of one percent) be trimmed from the University of Nebraska’s appropriation, as part of the committee’s economic plan to balance the biennial budget.

“It’s discouraging to again face the prospect of any budget reduction, but the Appropriations Committee’s one-half percent cut is half of what was originally proposed,” said Ron Withem, associate vice president for legislative relations. “And, it is far less that what the cut could have been given the most recent economic forecast. We asked the Legislature to make higher education a higher priority, and they listened.”

University-related elements of the Appropriations Committee proposal include the 0.5 percent cut to the university and other higher education institutions; a $2 million reduction in the University of Nebraska’s building depreciation fund; a 1 percent cut for other state agencies; and a 1 percent raise for state employees in fiscal years 2006 and 2007.

Withem said that the Appropriations Committee proposal faces legislative debate and still has a long ways to go.

“The university will work to ensure that the Legislature doesn’t once again turn to higher education as the budget balancer,” Withem said.

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