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UNMC’s Dr. Michaud talks osteoarthritis and more

Kaleb Michaud, PhD

UNMC’s Kaleb Michaud, PhD, is featured on the latest online episode of “Health Uncensored With Dr. Drew.”

In the episode, Drew Pinsky, MD, and Dr. Michaud, professor in the UNMC Division of Rheumatology, discuss osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and other rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. (Ted Mikuls, MD, UNMC Stokes-Shackleford Professor of Rheumatology, also is featured.)

Dr. Michaud speaks in his role as director of the Forward Databank – about the goals of growing registries for research endeavors into chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus and others.

“We learn so much from people who participate in our research,” Dr. Michaud says in the episode.

“When they participate with Forward, we get to learn about the aspect that’s not being captured in the clinic, which is about how their quality of life is being affected, what are the other treatments they are using … just to manage day to day.”

Click Play to watch the video below.

1 comment

  1. Stacy Rafferty says:

    This is amazing Dr. Michaud. Grateful for the work you do.

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