Dean’s message: Leadership changes

Bradley Britigan, MD

Fellow members of the UNMC College of Medicine,

I hope that the summer is bringing some down time for each of you. But, as you can see from the contents of this month’s InterCOM, activities in the college and UNMC continue at a fast pace despite the summer season.

Lepaine Sharp-McHenry, DNP

First, let me extend a welcome to Lepaine Sharp-McHenry, DNP, as she assumes the role of dean of the UNMC College of Nursing. We all are looking forward to her leadership and continued partnership with the college.

In addition, we welcome and congratulate Emily Glenn as she loses her interim tag and officially is now the dean of the McGoogan Health Sciences Library.

Finally, congratulations to Gerry Kugel, DMD, following his appointment as dean of the College of Dentistry.

Emily Glenn

Perhaps mistakenly not recognized at the same level of impact as the above leadership changes, our faculty recently ratified the changes proposed in the UNMC College of Medicine bylaws. The accompanying article in InterCOM provides greater detail on these changes, which I strongly endorse.

I would like to thank Kelly Caverzagie, MD, associate dean for educational strategy and learning environment, who spearheaded this effort and spent countless hours on the structure and wording of the document.

Gerard Kugel, DMD

 A major goal of the changes has been to expand the level of input that faculty have on governance and decision-making of the college through Faculty Council and its standing committees. The number of elected faculty representatives has been markedly increased, and the guidelines for committee membership now includes changes to increase the ability of all faculty, regardless of discipline or academic rank, to have a voice in college governance. 

I look forward to working closely with the Faculty Council and its standing committees in the coming year to enhance the college’s support of our faculty, staff and students.

I will close by wishing you all a great summer, as we look forward to the return of our second-year students and arrival of our entering class in August.