A message to our veterans and service members

UNMC celebrates Veterans Day by saluting the many veterans among our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. We also recognize the sacrifices of those whose loved ones serve.

Originally called “Armistice Day,” the holiday originally marked the signing of the armistice in 1918 that ended fighting between the allies and Germany in World War I. In 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day, according to Military.com, in order to honor “all veterans in all wars.”

UNMC is proud to honor those who have served and are serving our country.

Please use the comments section below to share messages of appreciation to veterans, service members and their families.


  1. John Keenan says:

    Thanks to my grandfather, Giovanni Marretta, and my father-in-law, Joe Norris, who were both stationed at the China-Burma-India Road in WWII. And to my uncle, Dan Keenan, who served in Vietnam.

  2. Priscilla Debro says:

    Thanks to all who are serving or who have served and have made the ultimate sacrifice in serving our country.

  3. Tom O'Connor says:

    We owe a huge thank you to all veterans. True heroes!

  4. Annette Kasselman says:

    Thanks to my father who served in the Navy in WWll, my older brother who served in the Navy in Vietnam, my son who serves in the Nebraska Army National Guard and went to Afghanistan and many other cousins, friends and students who served.
    Go Army Beat Navy! 2020

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