UNMC hosted Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen and Deputy Secretary of State Cindi Allen to the Omaha campus for a tour on Feb. 26.
Evnen and Allen toured the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center with Joann Sweasy, PhD, the cancer center’s director. They also visited the Davis Global Center to tour the health care simulation capabilities of the iEXCEL program.
The guests also met with UNMC leaders including Chris Kratochvil, MD, UNMC’s vice chancellor for external relations and interim vice president for external relations for the University of Nebraska System, and Jane Meza, PhD, interim vice chancellor for academic affairs. Accompanying the tour were two staff from the UNMC Office of Global Engagement, DJ Thayer, director of international and domestic business affairs, and Bo Han, PhD, senior business development specialist.
At the Davis Global Center, Evnen and Allen toured the holographic theater and the five-sided Laser CAVE, along with the clinical simulation area.
Evnen said the center is internationally distinguished in every respect and continues to develop and grow the state’s international work. He said international guests to the state are interested in medicine, medical training and medical technology, and he plans to bring them to visit the center.
In a message to the med center community, Evnen said, “Nebraska is very proud of your outstanding work.”