Former dean urges degree candidates to ‘take flight’

UNMC Interim Chancellor Dele Davies, MD, with Kendra Schmid, PhD, interim dean for UNMC Graduate Studies.

The keynote speaker for UNMC Graduate Studies’ Fall Honors Convocation Dec. 20 was a familiar face.

UNMC Interim Chancellor Dele Davies, MD, served as dean for graduate studies for 12 years before taking on his current role.

“We know him as a person who will take time for any of us any time,” said Kendra Schmid, PhD, interim dean for graduate studies, who introduced Dr. Davies.

And while he has not become a stranger in the meantime, “It does feel very surreal to be back now,” Dr. Davies said.

UNMC Graduate Studies honored 67 candidates who would graduate later that day with graduate certificates, master’s degrees or doctoral degrees.

Please see a Flickr photo album of the ceremony here.

Please find the official program for the ceremony here.

The ceremony included a celebration of their accomplishments and of course the traditional hooding by mentors.

Dr. Davies said that in his new role, “I have traveled across the state of Nebraska, and listening to the citizens, rotary clubs, hospital leaders, alumni and former patients, the citizens of Nebraska are very, very proud.”

It is clear, he said, “the citizens of Nebraska are also looking to us. Today is an affirmation of that expectation put to us.”

He told the degree candidates, “We are here to celebrate not just a major milestone in your life, but also a launching point for you to take flight.”

Flight was the theme of the chancellor’s message for the soon-to-be graduates. It takes courage, he said, to take flight, spread wings and soar into the unknown. It is an exciting experience, he said. But it can be daunting, too.

Fly together, he said. Trust your team.

When Dr. Schmid read a list of accolades when introducing him?

“I did not accomplish those things,” Dr. Davies said. “We did. There are a lot of people that make up that ‘we.’”

The assembled degree candidates had come from across the country and all over the world, making up the fastest growing student body at the medical center.

Work together, Dr. Davies told them. Take care of yourself and do not be afraid to ask for help doing so. Don’t focus on the destination, but the flight. Navigate turbulence and adapt to new currents on the wind.

“Failure is not your enemy. Success is not your friend. It is when you misunderstand either one of them that you fall behind,” the chancellor said.

You are exactly where you are meant to be, he said.

“Take up your wings,” Dr. Davies said in closing. “Take flight. Don’t worry about where you are going to land. Just go full speed ahead. You are ready.”

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