Facilities reminders for wintry weather

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As winter sets in, UNMC facilities offers some reminders when it comes to cold, snowy weather.

  • Make sure doors close upon entering a building and that any exterior doors are not propped open. This will help keep the interior of the med center’s buildings warm and safe.
  • Watch for any leaks, drips or signs of broken pipes. Report them immediately to facilities.
  • If any employees feel like their area is uncomfortably cold – and that something is wrong with the heat – they should submit a work ticket as soon as possible to prevent anything from potentially freezing and becoming a larger problem.  

For any nonemergency facilities issues, call the Facilities Help Desk at 402-552-3347 or submit a facilities request at this link.

Portable space heaters are prohibited on campus. Reference the Portable Space Heater Policy for additional information.

Space heaters pose several hazards, including fire hazards, electrical overloads and burns. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that portable space heaters were involved in an average of 1,700 fires per year, resulting in an average of 70 deaths and 160 injuries annually, from 2017 to 2019.

Contact the Facilities Help Desk at 402-552-3347 to discuss areas that may need supplemental heating. Approval of supplemental heating will be made on a case-by-case basis.  

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