Dean’s message: A time to give thanks

Bradley Britigan, MD, dean of the UNMC College of Medicine

As I write this message, Thanksgiving is only a few short weeks away, and we are only a week removed from the recent election. Tying the two together, perhaps one of the things I am most thankful for is that, for at least the short time, I am free from being accosted by the never-ending barrage of political ads that have marked the past year.

Clearly, regardless of political positions, the election process has been highly stressful and at times has made it difficult to concentrate fully on other important matters – in the case of UNMC, our missions of education, research, clinical care and community. Hopefully, with the election results clear, we can refocus on those things over which we have more control.

For the past several months, I have had the opportunity to meet with individuals from many of our nation’s leading academic medical centers, either at various national meetings or in the process of interacting with candidates for faculty and leadership positions in the UNMC College of Medicine.

Despite what sometimes appears to be a series of endless challenges, as an institution and a college we are blessed in so many ways. The need for academic medicine has never been greater as we continue to provide unique and critical contributions the health and success of our state, region and country. In turn, our community has and continues to be very supportive of what we do.

We sometimes underappreciate our accomplishments. However, those looking at opportunities to join us, or simply watching us from other institutions, continually remark on the camaraderie and spirit of collaboration and community that they sense at UNMC that, in turn, spurs accomplishments beyond what might be expected from an institution of our size and a state of less than 2 million people.  

We like to think big and then go out and accomplish these goals. The question I am frequently asked is how this happens? I don’t usually have an answer, other than that is simply who we are, and it has been that way since I came to UNMC in 2011.

I continue to be thankful each day for each of you. Regardless of your role, we would not be successful without your talents and commitment.  

Please enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends. But especially keep in mind our trainees, staff and faculty who will be sacrificing their personal time by spending at least a portion of those days providing care to those who are in need. To you, I particularly offer my thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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