Election Day is Nov. 5

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UNMC Interim Chancellor H. Dele Davies, MD, sent this message Wednesday to UNMC faculty, staff and students:

As you are aware, Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5. For U.S. citizens, this provides a unique opportunity to make your voice heard and to actively participate in what is a cornerstone of our democracy.

If you did not cast an early ballot, I would encourage you to vote on Nov. 5. In Nebraska, in-person polling locations are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT (7 a.m. to 7 p.m. MT) on Election Day. 

If circumstances prevent an employee from voting at any other time, the University of Nebraska system allows for up to two hours of paid civil leave to vote in public elections. An employee should work with their manager regarding their work schedule. I’ve also asked UNMC’s deans and directors to make appropriate accommodations for students who need to vote during the typical school day.

If you need information on your polling place, registration status, ballot information or other election-related material, visit the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Website.

Voting is perhaps the most important element of civic engagement in which all of us can participate. Please make a plan today to vote next Tuesday.


H. Dele Davies, MD

Interim Chancellor

University of Nebraska Medical Center

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