The UNMC College of Medicine held its 2024 Alumni Weekend at the end of September, bestowing awards upon distinguished alumni and recognizing the medical school class of 1974, which was celebrating its 50th anniversary.
Dean Bradley Britigan, MD, spoke to the gathered alumni at the awards event, highlighting new growth in the college, such as the upcoming medical class set to enter the UNMC College of Medicine at the University of Kearney campus in 2026.
See biographical information on awardees here.
Awardees at the event, pictured with Dr. Britigan and UNMC College of Medicine Alumni Council President President Frank Hawkins, MD, class of 1988, included:

Distinguished Alumnus Award: Thomas Kirsch, MD (class of 1984), MPH

Honorary Alumnus Award: Andre Kalili, MD, MPH (class of 2011)

Early Career Achievement Award: Brady Beecham, MD (class of 2011), MPH

Dedication to Student Excellence Award: Robert Wergin, MD (class of 1979)

Dedication to Student Excellence Award: David O’Dell, MD (class of 1984)