Autism care clinic opens first location outside of Omaha
"Having a clinic here in Fremont, and even the communities around being able to be that little bit closer, is just invaluable," said Robbie Mau.
"Having a clinic here in Fremont, and even the communities around being able to be that little bit closer, is just invaluable," said Robbie Mau.
"Having a clinic here in Fremont, and even the communities around being able to be that little bit closer, is just invaluable," said Robbie Mau.
For families of children who have autism, a major boundary is a lack of treatment options. UNMC is hoping to bridge that gap with their newly opened clinic in Fremont.
The addition is the third Autism Care for Toddlers, or ACT, clinic-- and the first outside of Omaha.
"I'm very excited that UNMC has been able to bring these services to this area," said Dr. Amber Paden, the director for the Fremont ACT clinic.
The clinic provides autism care for children ages two to five, teaching them skills and social interactions.
Alex Mau is just one child who the clinic has helped.
"At around two years old, he completely regressed. So he went from babbling and playing to not speaking at all."
After Alex was diagnosed with autism, his parents enrolled him in the clinic.
"it's just little baby steps getting more and more, teaching him how to play, teaching him how to, communicate even if it's not verbal," said Alex's dad Robbie Mau.
Now, ten years later, Mau says Alex is excelling.
"They gave us and gave my son just this amazing gift that we could never repay," said Mau.
Mau sees firsthand the value of having a location outside of Omaha.
As a Fremont resident, he drove an hour and a half each day to take his son to the Omaha clinic.
"Having a clinic here in Fremont, and even the communities around being able to be that little bit closer, is just invaluable," said Mau.
The clinic is hoping to treat fifteen to twenty kids at a time who currently don't have access to autism care in the area.