A message from Jeffrey P. Gold, MD

Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, president of the University of Nebraska

On June 30, one day before assuming his new role as president of the University of Nebraska, Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, shared this message to the students, faculty and staff of UNMC in his last day as their chancellor.

Dear friends of UNMC,

One journey is ending, and another is about to begin, as I prepare to take on the humbling task of becoming president of this incredible university. As such, it seems like the perfect time to pause for a few moments and reflect. And, to thank you for all you have done for us, and for me. Thank you for all that we have done, together.

Thank you for welcoming me and for helping me become a true Nebraskan. Like so many before me in our history, I came to Nebraska in search of brighter possibilities and a bigger horizon. Like so many before me, I’ve made this place my home. This was done with your help, and through your support. Together, we’ve taken on the tasks set before us. And together, we’ve achieved things that surpassed our dreams.

The very day I was invested as chancellor at UNMC, the first patient with Ebola Virus Disease arrived in Omaha, to be treated by our Nebraska Biocontainment Unit team. Many lives changed that day. I know mine did. It’s been an incredible 10 years on many fronts.

But at UNMC, we’ve done so much more over the past decade than become the global epicenter for special pathogens biopreparedness. Nearly 10,000 graduates, billions of dollars in research investments, countless publications and faculty awards and so much more. We’ve built buildings, created new partnerships and forged friendships. We have made and continue to make great strides in research. Today, we are a leader in on too many fronts to mention. We have become the integral convenor our nation looks to, while remaining rooted in our own Nebraska soil. It’s been a heck of a run.

As all Nebraskans know, the most breathtaking runs are the ones in which you find yourself, in the end, all the way home.

I’m happy to be home. And proud to stay home. I can’t wait to see what this next chapter brings.

Thank you for all you have done, these past 10 years. And thank you for all we are about to do…..together!

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