Inquiring UNL retirees visit UNMC, Davis Global Center

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Emeriti and Retiree Association visited UNMC earlier this month.

After a welcome from UNMC Chancellor and incoming University of Nebraska President Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, the group toured the iEXCEL program at the Dr. Edwin & Dorothy Balbach Davis Global Center. The group, containing several retired faculty members, grilled tour host Michael Hollins of iEXCEL as if he were defending a thesis:

“How much of the program is devoted to education?”

  • The academic mission of iEXCEL at UNMC is to educate the next generation of health care professionals through the adoption of high-fidelity simulation and visualization. The iEXCEL staff, technology and resources within the Davis Global Center are available as a resource for UNMC faculty, staff and students to develop and execute various simulation scenarios, 3D visualization content and immersive virtual experiences, as well as meaningful research and data capture.

    The majority of activities within the Davis Global Center are designated as educational training for UNMC learners across an interprofessional spectrum, including all health professions colleges at UNMC on the Omaha campus and throughout the state of Nebraska.

“How was the building paid for?”

  • The Davis Global Center was funded through a combination of philanthropic, city, state and federal contributions. iEXCEL operations are supported through legislation passed by the state of Nebraska that provides ongoing funding for high-fidelity simulation training to improve training and, ultimately, patient care outcomes for Nebraska.

    The iEXCEL academic mission is complimented by the business mission, which seeks to collaborate with industry vendors, technology providers and health care corporations to leverage the Davis Global Center resources to maximum impact of this impressive public-private partnership.

“How is the federal government partnered?”

  • The federal government partnered during the construction phase of the project, establishing official Global Center for Health Security presence in the Davis Global Center through housing the Training, Simulation and Quarantine Center and the National Quarantine Unit physically on-site within the Davis Global Center. In addition to serving as an active quarantine unit throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Center for Health Security continues to work with the federal government partners on highly infectious disease training and bio-preparedness.

The tour was the brainchild of Larry Dlugosh, PhD, emeritus chairperson at UNL, who had seen toured the program as part of the Dr. Gold’s board of counselors.

“I just want everybody to see this,” Dr. Dlugosh said. “This is our first venture, and I’m hoping to get a lot more groups up here to see this building.

“Many of us don’t understand everything that’s going on here. It’s phenomenal, and the more people that can see it and spread the word, the better it will be. It’s just a gem.”

Approximately 20 former UNL employees of emeritus faculty joined Dr. Dlugosh on the tour, with groups also being led by iEXCEL’s Elisabeth Barrett and Moriah McCune.

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