Adobe login process will receive important update

Note: The start date on his Adobe login change has moved to May 15.

On Wednesday, May 1, UNMC IT will be changing the way in which users log in and sign in to use Adobe products.

Instead of creating a standalone username and password, users will begin using their standard corporate email account and password. This means that users will no longer use their Adobe account to sign in but rather their UNMC account credentials.

This applies only to UNMC users who use Adobe products, such as Acrobat or Photoshop. The applications and versions will remain the same, but the account and password used to sign in will be switched to users’ UNMC account.

When the change is applied on May 1, users will be prompted to use their “Company or School Account” – the standard UNMC email account and password. The “Personal Account” option with the prior standalone password no longer will work. (See image above.)

If users have Adobe files stored in an Adobe account, which is uncommon:

When this transition occurs, any personal Adobe-specific data, such as Photoshop files or videos, that users created or stored in your Adobe account will be lost. If users have files saved to their Adobe account, those files will need to be moved to a OneDrive account prior to the May 1 transition to avoid losing them.

If anyone has questions or is unsure if they have Adobe-specific files that need to be moved, submit an IT ticket to the Service Desk and the IT team can help to validate if files will need to move prior to the transition date.

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