Nebraska LEAD fellows visit UNMC
Fellows in the Nebraska LEAD Program visited UNMC March 1-2 for a tour of the campus and presentations by some of UNMC’s health professions experts. The LEAD Program, organized through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has worked to develop agricultural leaders in the state for more than 40 years.

The current class toured the Durham Research Center, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center and the Davis Global Center. Chris Kratochvil, MD, UNMC’s vice chancellor for external relations, welcomed the group and provided an overview of UNMC.
The fellows also met with Ellen Duysen, coordinator of UNMC’s CS-CASH (Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health) program; Ann Anderson Berry, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics and director of the Child Health Research Institute; and Marley Doyle, MD, associate professor of psychiatry and director of the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska.
Terry Hejny, PhD, director of the Nebraska LEAD Program, said the annual visit to UNMC improves the fellows’ understanding of the importance of health care in both rural and urban communities, offers them an increased awareness of UNMC’s mission and updates the fellows on recent developments in health care and the implications for quality of life in Nebraska.
“The tours and robust interactive discussions engaged in by LEAD fellows provides them the necessary tools needed as a leader in agriculture, in their community, and beyond,” Dr. Hejny said.
Food vendors on campus
Food vendors are available weekdays on the UNMC Omaha campus. Vendors are located on both the east and west sides of campus, serving from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.
The schedule for next week is:
East end of campus (Sorrell Center, Alumni Commons area unless specified otherwise below):
- Mondays – Let Me Feed You
- Tuesdays – Zemogs
- Thursdays – Let Me Feed You
- Fridays – Pim’s Thai Catering & Take Out
West end of campus (Durham Research Center towers)
- Mondays – Zemogs (food trailer located to the east of Durham Research Center)
- Wednesdays – Let Me Feed You (Durham Research Center’s Maurer Commons area)
- Thursdays – Pim’s Thai Catering & Take Out (Durham Research Center’s Maurer Commons area)
- Fridays – Let Me Feed You (Durham Research Center’s Maurer Commons area)
Questions? Email Rick Boldt in the UNMC Office of Business and Finance.