Meet the matches: Maranda Thompson

The UNMC 2024 Match Day celebration was held at the Scott Conference Center at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where eight out of 140 medical students at UNMC opened their envelopes and found they had matched to the UNMC Department of Anesthesiology.

Why did you choose the medical field? I am the oldest of four and growing up I had a large role in raising my siblings. I realized my passion for caring for others, which led me to pursue a career in medicine.  

What made you choose anesthesiology? I chose anesthesiology because it allows me to be part of a team that cares for patients during their most critical and stressful moments. I value the opportunity to use my skill set to help some of the sickest patients.

List 3 accomplishments you are proud of:

  1. I am proud of being a first-generation student with an MD/PhD.
  2. I bought a house built in the 1930s and have slowly but surely been making it my own. I just finished re-doing my bathroom. 
  3. I grew 23 butternut squash last summer (I’m still trying to finish them). I didn’t think all six plants would live. 

Three things about you that others may not know:

  1. I have a three-legged cat named Ilene because she leans. 
  2. I love dad jokes.
  3. I like to be creative and find different projects (see Burke High Teen Center). 
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