Fellow of the month, January 2024

Shristi Upadhyay Banskota, MD

Name: Shristi Upadhyay Banskota, MD

Medical school you attended/year you graduated: B.P.Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal, 2016

Fellowship at UNMC: Hematology/oncology

Program director: Alisa Marr, MD

How long is your training program and how long have you been at UNMC?

My training program is three years long and I have been at UNMC for two-and-a-half years.

What do you like the most about your training program?

I love the collegiality among my co-fellows and our amazing team of attendings, nurses and pharmacists. They make every day at work blissful. 

What challenges do you foresee in graduate medical education in the future?  

The need to fulfill multiple roles, both personally and professionally, has always been the challenge and will remain one. To fulfill the role of a clinician, a researcher, an educator and an administrator, sometimes all at once, might continue to be overwhelming.

List some accomplishments that you are proud of:

Fellowship at UNMC and in hematology/oncology is indeed one of my prides; I am realizing every day that the field is rewarding and being trained under the pioneers in the field adds so much to the picture.

Tell us three things about you that others may not know:

  • I make dumplings of my own. I strongly believe they are delicious.
  • I love solo travels. My last solo trip was a seven-day trip in the mountains of Colorado.
  • I am learning swing dancing and ice skating, not good at both, but I hope to get there soon.
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