Upcoming Breakthrough Thinking sessions to focus on innovation

Health innovation and entrepreneurship will be the focus of two virtual Breakthrough Thinking sessions, both scheduled for the week of Jan. 8.

UNMC’s Breakthrough Thinking sessions – open to all faculty, staff and students – are designed to challenge and inspire out-of-the-box thinking. The following presentations will be from noon to 1 p.m. CT via Zoom:

Monday, Jan. 8 – Arlen Meyers, MD, will discuss “UNMC Health Care Professions Education: Why, Why Now, Why Us?” Dr. Meyers is emeritus professor of otolaryngology, dentistry and engineering at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health and cofounding president and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs.

Dr. Meyer’s primary research centers around biomedical and health innovation and entrepreneurship and life science technology commercialization. Through the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, a non-profit global biomedical innovation and entrepreneurship network, he helps people get their ideas to patients. He also is an associate editor of the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology and Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship and editor-in-chief of Medscape Reference: Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

Dr. Meyer is a global speaker and consultant on such topics as bioentrepreneurship, bioscience, health care, health care IT, medical tourism, new product development, product design and financing new ventures. He is co-editor of Digital Health Entrepreneurship and an adviser to several startup, scaleup and grown-up companies.

Join the webinar here.

Wednesday, Jan. 10 – Anthony Chang, MD, a pediatric cardiologist and medical director of the Heart Failure Program at Children’s Hospital of Orange County, will discuss “Why AI Will Not Save Health Care, and What to Do to Change That.”

Dr. Chang serves as chief intelligence and innovation officer of The Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute (MI3), which is supported by the Sharon Disney Lund Foundation. The institute is dedicated to implementing data science and artificial intelligence in medicine and is the first institute of its kind in a hospital.

Dr. Chang completed his Master of Science in data science with a sub-specialization in artificial intelligence from Stanford School of Medicine and has completed a certification on artificial intelligence from MIT. He has a Master of Business Administration in health care administration from the University of Miami School of Business and a Master of Public Health in health care policy from the Jonathan Fielding School of Public Health of the University of California, Los Angeles.

Dr. Chang is the founder of the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society and the founder of the Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society. He started a pediatric innovation leadership group whose biannual symposium, “Pediatrics2040: Emerging Trends and Future Innovations,” became a catalyst for the international Society for Pediatric Innovation. Each summer, the MI3 Summer Internship Program, founded by Dr. Chang, mentors close to 100 young physicians-to-be. He recently completed a book project with Elsevier: Intelligence-Based Medicine. He also is the founder and organizing chair of several Artificial Intelligence in Medicine meetings in the U.S., Europe and Asia that will focus on artificial intelligence in health care and medicine.

Join the webinar here.

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