Discount offered for ‘Harry Potter’ at Omaha Symphony

The Omaha Symphony is offering the UNMC community a discount to “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in Concert” at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 25 and 2 p.m. on Nov. 26.

Join Harry Potter’s adventures like never before, as the movie “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is projected onto a big screen and accompanied by a live symphony orchestra. Nicholas Hooper’s score and the classic tale combine to deliver all the adventure, humor and suspense Harry Potter fans remember in an unforgettable experience.

The promotional code “UNMC24” offers a 20% discount to the show. After selecting a preferred show date, the option “Get Tickets” will appear. Apply the promo code in the upper right-hand portion of the performance page. Click submit. Prices automatically will adjust to reflect the discount. Select your section, choose your seats, click add to cart.

When viewing seats in a chosen section, click the “Legend” button on the right-hand side to view seats for which the code applies. Any available seats in Price Levels 1-4 are valid. Create or log into a Ticket Omaha account to complete the purchase. Confirmation of discount will be given at checkout. 

UNMC is a sponsor of the current season of the symphony’s Movie Music series.

For a complete listing of symphony shows, go to the symphony’s website. To order tickets, go to Ticket Omaha, stop by in person or call 402-345-0606.

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