Distinguished Scientist: Ray Bergan, MD

Ray Bergan, MD

This profile is part of a series to highlight the researchers who will be honored at a ceremony on Nov. 9 for UNMC’s Scientist Laureate, Research Leadership, Distinguished Scientist, New Investigator and Community Service to Research Award recipients.

Distinguished Scientist

The Distinguished Scientist Award — which is sponsored by the chancellor — recognizes researchers who have been among the most productive scientists at UNMC during the past five years.

  • Name: Ray Bergan, MD
  • Title: Deputy director, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
  • Joined UNMC: November 2020
  • Hometown: Eden, New York

Please describe your research focus in three words or less: Discovering cancer drugs

Why is research important in the world today? Research is important for several reasons. It provides us better treatment for people with cancer, and other diseases, it allows us to detect cancer earlier, it allows us to better understand the world we live in, it provides cutting-edge jobs for the future and drives the economy, the relationships it builds serves to link people across the world, it is the means by which we identify new ideas to solve problems that are impacting our world.

My research will make a difference because: Cancer takes the lives of people because it moves throughout the body. Our group seeks to understand what drives cancer cells to move and to discover new drugs that can stop them from moving. If we are successful, we can stop cancer from taking the lives of the people we love.

The best advice I’ve ever received is: From my dad, “stand up for what is right”

Three things you may not know about me are:

  • I love exercising, reading (about many subjects) and learning about different cultures.
  • I have three children, and I feel grateful to be their parent.
  • I was born legally blind, was never supposed to go to regular school and hope that my becoming a physician/scientist will inspire others to not be held back.
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  1. Hamid Band says:

    Congratulations, Ray! Well-deserved.

  2. Barb Cajka says:

    Congratulations Dr. Bergan!!

  3. Jawed Siddiqui says:

    Congratulations Dr. Bergan.

  4. Zhenya Tang says:

    Congratulations Dr. Bergan!

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