The science of landfills is topic of Sept. 12 Science Café  

Katie Kinley

The science and engineering happening behind the scenes at landfills across the country to protect groundwater, surface water and air will be the focus of the next Science Café presentation. It will be held at 7 p.m. on Sept. 12 at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St. 

“We will talk about the history of landfills pre- and post-federal regulation and everything that makes a modern landfill today,” said Katie Kinley, a civil and environmental engineer. 

Kinley has more than nine years of experience in landfill design, permits and construction. She is a licensed professional engineer in Iowa, Nebraska, Michigan and Kansas.  

Kinley’s experience includes landfill gas management, the design of landfill liners and the management of water that has leached out.  

She has worked with sites across the country supporting designs, expansions and plans to meet long-term needs with environmentally protective facilities.  

Science Cafés involve a conversation with an expert about current science topics. They are open to everyone. Each meeting is organized around an interesting topic of conversation. Experts give a brief presentation followed by a Q&A period.  

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1 comment

  1. Mark D Greenwell says:

    Was the Science Cafe featuring Landfills video recorded? Would love to see one that I missed

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