Resident of the month, July 2023

Ashley Hein, MD

Name: Ashley Hein, MD 

Medical school attended/year graduated: UNMC, class of 2020 

Residency/fellowship at UNMC: Pathology and microbiology 

Program director: Scott Lauer, MD

How long is your training program, and how long have you been at UNMC?  

I am in my third year of a four-year residency program. I have been at UNMC for 10 years, as I also did medical school here and was a research technologist at UNMC before that.   

What do you like the most about your training program? 

I have amazingly talented and supportive co-residents, many of whom have become like family to me.  

What challenges do you foresee in graduate medical education in the future?  

Challenges we will have to address over the next decade include how to provide adequate care for an aging population, how to address health care disparities as income inequality continues to grow and how to safely integrate artificial intelligence into our work. There are always going to be challenges ahead, but we can provide a framework for success in the future! 

List some accomplishments that you are proud of:  

I guess this nomination is something to be proud of! I’m proud that I get to represent my fellow residents this year as the House Office Association president. I’m also proud that I get to live in the same city as my family so that I can watch my nephews grow up. 

Tell us three things about you that others may not know:  

  • When I was in undergraduate school, I interned at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium. It was incredible to get to see all the animals behind the scenes.
  • I failed motorcycle rider training. I couldn’t do figure eights or any kind of sharp turn because I was too afraid of falling off. 
  • I love to travel. So far, I’ve only been to North America, Europe and India (which counts as having gone to Asia), but I hope to expand to other continents soon. There are so many beautiful sights to see in this world, and we only get to experience a fraction of them in the short time we have on this Earth.
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