Regents accept joint public health training program

The University of Nebraska Board of Regents Friday accepted a proposal to establish a collaborative program between the Baccalaureate degree of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and the Master of Public Health degree at UNMC.

“This will fill a workforce need and will further strengthen and deepen existing collaborative relationships between UNMC and UNK,” said UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD.

UNK attracts a large pool of highly motivated students who enter the Applied Health Sciences undergraduate program with the goal of working toward a graduate and/or professional degree in a health-related discipline.

The collaborative Undergraduate to Master of Public Health 3+2 program (U2MPH) will provide motivated and qualified students an opportunity to complete their BS and MPH in a shorter time frame (five years) and at a reduced cost (by only needing to take 141 credit hours) than completing both degrees separately. Both degree programs already exist.

In other business, the board:

  • Approved UNMC’s purchase – for future campus development – of property at 4001 Leavenworth St., 820 S. 41 St., 824 S. 41 St., 826 S. 41 St. and 833 S. 41 St. in Omaha and lease back to seller, Community Alliance Inc., for a certain period to accommodate construction of its new space. 
  • Accepted the intermediate design report for the UNMC College of Dentistry to address deferred maintenance, compliance and building renewal needs. Construction should be completed by January 2025.
  • Accepted a proposal to rename the PhD in Health Services Research, Administration and Policy to the PhD in Health Services and Policy Research. The name change, for the UNMC College of Public Health program, more accurately represents the program content and goals and emphasizes the research areas of health services and health policy.  
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