Holomedicine® Association, a global network of experts in medicine, science, technology and policy, has recently named UNMC’s interprofessional Experiential Center for Enduring Learning (iEXCEL) a Healthcare Institution Partner.
The Holomedicine Association, a not-for-profit group, works to create new methods for delivering mixed reality for medicine and surgery, ensuring these emerging technologies have the maximum clinical impact.
UNMC’s iEXCEL program adopts high-fidelity simulation, interprofessional collaboration and experiential learning technologies to enhance health care education training and, ultimately, benefits patients.

“We believe that engagement at the global level assures iEXCEL can remain in the forefront of creating content for the evolving 3D/VR and holographic technologies. This partnership opens up UNMC’s access to the global experts in this field who are collaborating to develop new applications to help advance health care education and practice,” said Pam Boyers, PhD, associate vice chancellor, clinical simulation.
iEXCEL is the Holomedicine Association’s second Health Institution Partner, joining Health Education England, a body of the NHS (National Health Service). “Serving as a partner within this association will allow increased opportunities for innovation through engagement with international colleagues,” said Michael Hollins, associate executive director, community & business strategy, iEXCEL.
The Holomedicine Association is “more than delighted” to welcome the iEXCEL program as a health care institution partner, said the association’s chair, Sirko Pelzl.
“Our health care institution partnership is open to health care and medical institutions who want to join our association and participate in our working groups, gain access to newest technologies developed by industry and collaborate on research projects,” Pelzl said. “The innovation and thought leadership of the UNMC team is what drives their program of creating a new model for health care education, training and research.”
iEXCEL staff will join several of the association’s international working groups to collaborate with experts from around the world on research projects and keep abreast of new technologies and their applications in health care and health care education.
Because this field of training is in a “fledgling” stage, Hollins said, a health care partnership with this association allows members to see which technologies are gaining traction and having an impact on outcomes – as well as to stay up to date on trends.