College of Nursing honors and recognitions, March 2023

UNMC College of Nursing representatives swab for potential bone marrow donations at the Nebraska State Student Nurses Association Conference.

Steph Burge, DNP, APRN-BC, FNP, Kearney Division, was honored by Nebraska Nurse Practitioners as the Outstanding Clinician of the Year. She was nominated due to her excellence in rural primary care and her work on behavioral health in rural settings. 

The recipient of this year’s Harriet H. Werley New Investigator Award given by the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) is Breanna Hetland, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, Omaha Division. The purpose of the Harriet H. Werley New Investigator Award is to recognize the scientific contribution of a new investigator who has conducted nursing research that has the potential to enhance the science and practice of nursing. MNRS will be March 29 through April 1 in Des Moines, Iowa. 

Beth Culross, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, CRRN, APRN-CNS, FNGNA, has been awarded the Silver “U” Award for February. This award is given annually to employees who provide consistent performance that exceeds expectations or for other special achievements. Awardees must exhibit the following values: leadership, a commitment to excellence, working together and serving as a trusted resource. As part of this award, Dr. Culross will receive a silver ‘U’ pin, a denim shirt with the silver ‘U’ logo and will be invited to lunch with the chancellor.  

Trina Aguirre, PhD, RN, and her team have received the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center Community Outreach & Engagement Community Health Grant. The funding will be used to support the Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska CAPWN/Latina Red Dress Event.

The UNMC College of Nursing West Nebraska Division took home several honors at the Nebraska State Student Nurses Association Conference Feb. 4. at the Kearney Younes Convention Center in Kearney, Nebraska. This year’s theme was “Inspiring the Next Generation of Nurses.” Those honored were: 

  • Madison Wynne, who was named the Nebraska State Student Nurse of the Year. This marks the second consecutive year that the West Nebraska Division has had the Nebraska State Student Nurse of the Year. As a result, the traveling plaque returns to Scottsbluff to have Wynne’s name added.  
  • Kelsey Tighe, whose “Children’s Horse Program” won the individual community service project award. Tighe began the club in her home community of Crawford, Nebraska, to help teach children horsemanship skills while therapeutically bonding with horses. Children ages 4 to 18 participate in activities to build their skills and learn how to care for the horses. “The kids take a lot of pride in all the hard work they do all year-round,” she said. “I am honored to be part of these kids’ journey to become amazing horsemen.”  
  • Junior Grace Trautman, who was elected to the state board as the new nominations chair for 2023-2024. Seniors Madison Wynne (Breakthrough to Nursing chair) and Kelsey Tighe (nominations chair) successfully completed their terms on the board. 
  • Scottsbluff’s SNA representatives, who received the “furthest travel” award. 
  • Adviser Wendy Wells, who provided training on Stop the Bleed, participated in the “Nurse Panel” keynote representing Population Health Nursing and received an adviser appreciation certificate.
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