Grad students look sharp, contribute to ‘Only in Nebraska’

The GSA leadership team models 80th anniversary apparel

The Graduate Student Association recently took up the call to action to contribute to the NU Foundation’s “Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for Our University’s Future” capital campaign with a school-spirt themed fundraiser.

The GSA sold branded apparel featuring the logo celebrating 80 years of graduate studies at UNMC. Graduate students were eager to take part, with 127 people ordering 190 items – including each student from both the Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology program and the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology program.

Altogether, the GSA sold 44 T-shirts, 44 long-sleeve shirts, 82 hoodies and 20 crew-neck sweatshirts.

Graduate students are now looking good. And feeling good in doing a small part in investing in the university’s future.

In other GSA news, it won an iEXCEL award for its series of Interprofessional Education Nights. These events utilitzed iEXCEL’s interactive visualization technology. The nights kicked off with food trucks, then grad students were invited to experience, discuss and learn how an interprofessional approach is taken towards serious topics. Topics have included cancer, HIV and brain diseases.

The GSA earned an award for its work in the Keep Omaha Beautiful clean water challenge.

The UNMC Graduate Student Association also participated in the Keep Omaha Beautiful clean water challenge. As part of the Only Rain Down the Storm Drain program, the challenge team cared for storm drain inlets around UNMC and neighboring communities.

Volunteers set a goal to mark 1,000 storm drains with “No Dumping” decals and distribute 2,000 educational door hangers to the Omaha community. They surpassed that goal, with a total of 1,338 marked storm drains and 2,082 door hangers distributed in September and October 2022.

The GSA won the water challenge for the most storm drains marked for groups of 10 people or less with 143 total storm drains.

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