‘Keep Moving, Stay Dedicated’ offers intro to fitness

The Center for Healthy Living is offering a monthlong series of free fitness tutorials, body composition estimations and fitness assessments through its “Keep Moving, Stay Dedicated in 2023” promotion.

These sessions are an opportunity for fitness center users to ask questions, see how equipment is used, learn how to maximize their workout and get to know the center’s staff. Feel free to show up in work clothes for the fitness tutorials.

Free fitness consultation and/or body composition/fitness assessment

Meet with Peter Pellerito, fitness specialist, one-on-one to discuss fitness needs, assess current fitness status and get recommendations on a workout that will help you meet fitness goals. Schedule by phone at 402-559-5253 or email Peter Pellerito to arrange a time to meet.

Free fitness tutorials

Registration through ENGAGE is required for these sessions. The tutorials will be 30 minutes long and cover topics such as how to properly use fitness equipment and how particular exercises benefit health and wellbeing. Watch and learn or participate in demos to try out the exercises.

Intro to Cardio Equipment: Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 7 a.m. and 11 a.m.: This session will cover benefits, goals and proper technique for walking or running and how to use treadmills, stationary bikes and ellipticals. 

Register for 7 a.m. session | Register for 11 a.m. session

Intro to Strength Training – Upper Body: Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.: This session will discuss strength training for the upper body, focusing on major muscles and proper form for “push” and “pull” movements. Exercises will include the chest press, seated row, overhead press and lat pulldowns.

Register for 11 a.m. session | Register for 5 p.m. session

Intro to Strength Training – Lower Body and Torso: Wednesday, March 1, at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.: This session will focus on strength training for the lower body and torso, including which major muscles and motions to target and proper movement technique. Movements discussed will include hip extensions and knee extensions using leg press variations for the lower body and spinal flexion, extension and rotation to involve the stomach and back muscles.

Register for 11 a.m. session | Register for 5 p.m. session

How to Use/Access Fitness on Demand Videos: Wednesday, March 8, at 11 a.m.: Membership with the Center for Healthy Living includes access to a Fitness on Demand subscription. Fitness on Demand provides instant access to hundreds of on-demand streaming workout videos. Classes range from less than 20 minutes to longer than an hour.

Register for 11 a.m. session

Minimal Equipment Strengthening Exercises: Wednesday, March 15, at 11 a.m.: This session will discuss strategies for strength training when people don’t have access to a variety of equipment. Exercises will include chest press progression, rubber resistance row, scapular squeeze and upright row or overhead press.

Register for 11 a.m. session

Intro to Stretching: Wednesday, March 22, at 11 a.m.: This session will demonstrate stretching exercises and how to maintain proper form when stretching. Exercises will focus on chest muscles, anterior deltoid, biceps, quads, hamstrings, calf muscles and hip flexors.

Register for 11 a.m. session

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